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1000 Ways To Waste Time Part 2

 Peel an orange 
 Peep through a keyhole at an office meeting 
 Phone a friend and resolve a disagreement 
 Phone someone in your office to see if they are bored 
 Phone up an airline and find out how much it would cost to travel to London
 on Concorde 
 Phone up someone in the company you do not know and say hello 
 Photocopy pictures of places you would like to visit from an old history
 Photocopy your hand 
 Pick a day to take your children to the park 
 Pick off old nail polish 
 Pick the worst team you can think of in your favorite sport 
 Pick your nose 
 Pickyour teeth with a toothpick 
 Place a collection of new magazines in the bathroom for guests to read 
 Plan a bank robbery 
 Plan a camping vacation 
 Plan a day at your favorite beach 
 Plan a day when you stay at home sick and lie in bed and do nothing 
 Plan a Halloween party 
 Plan a night out with your best friends at your favorite restaurant 
 Plan a trip in a hot-air balloon with your partner 
 Plan a trip to Europe if you have not been there 
 Plan a visit to a local historic building 
 Plan how to give up smoking or any vice 
 Plan to achieve an ambition 
 Plan to dispose of a body 
 Plan what to do with the money when you win the state lottery 
 Plan what you will cook for dinner this evening 
 Plan what you would do with one ten hours to live 
 Plan your retirement 
 Play a card trick on a friend 
 Play a game of gin rummy 
 Play a tune on a cup with a spoon 
 Play a tune on a rubber band 
 Play a tune on your teeth 
 Play a tune on your teeth with a pencil or ballpoint pen 
 Play a tune with your tongue (make galloping sounds) 
 Play an imaginary harmonica 
 Play cards with a colleague 
 Play cards with a group of workmates 
 Play music to your plants 
 Play solitaire 
 Play solitaire and cheat 
 Play with a hole in your teeth with your tongue 
 Play with the candy wrapper while you eat the candy 
 Play with the keys or money in your pocket 
 Play with the things on your desk 
 Play with worry beads 
 Play with your watch strap 
 Play your boss at checkers 
 Play yourself at chess - and cheat 
 Play yourself at tick-tack-toe 
 Play yourself at tick-tack-toe 
 Pluck your eyebrows 
 Polish a peach 
 Polish and shine an old coin 
 Polish spectacles 
 Polish your nails 
 Pop air out of the pockets in plastic sheet materials 
 Practice juggling 
 Practice balancing a dime on its edge 
 Practice bandaging your finger 
 Practice belching 
 Practice blinking with one eye and then the other 
 Practice blowing smoke rings 
 Practice body-building in a mirror 
 Practice different handwriting styles 
 Practice drawing perfect circles without a compass 
 Practice drinking from a cup while lying down 
 Practice farting 
 Practice folding your suitjacket for your next business trip 
 Practice forging your boss's signature 
 Practice hand shadow art 
 Practice insulting hand gestures 
 Practice levitating 
 Practice magic card tricks 
 Practice making strange faces in the mirror 
 Practice making paper cutouts 
 Practice rubbing your tummy and rubbing your head at the same time 
 Practice signing someone else's signature 
 Practice telepathy with your workmates 
 Practice the Mona Lisa smile 
 Practice the skill of clicking your fingers 
 Practice throwing crumpled up pieces of paper into the wastepaper basket 
 Practice touching your chin with your tongue 
 Practice touching your nose with your tongue 
 Practice walking on on leg 
 Practice writing a letter without looking at the paper 
 Practice writing your name with the hand you don't usually write with 
 Practice writing your signature left-hand 
 Practice your swimming skills by lying across a stool 
 Pray for an easier life 
 Pray for something good to happen 
 Predict which football team will win this year's Super Bowl 
 Press the cap of your ballpoint pen in and out 
 Pretend you are walking on the moon 
 Pretend gou are a race car driver 
 Pretend to be a bird 
 Pretend to be dead and lie very still 
 Pretend to dance around the room with Fred Astaire 
 Pretend to hold a gun and shoot people as they walk by 
 Pretend you are a statue 
 Pretend you are speaking to someone on phone 
Pretend you can walk on the ceiling 
 Pretend you have lost your memory 
 Promise not to swear ever again 
 Promise to become a blood donor 
 Prune and shape the company bonsai tree 
 Puff up your cheeks and make squishing sounds with your mouth 
 Puff up your cheeks with air in your mouth 
 Pull down your cuffs and fiddle with the buttons widdle your thumbs 
 Pull off the petals of a flower reciting "she loves me - she loves me not" 
 Pull up your socks 
 Push back the cuticles on your nais 
 Put cotton balls in your ears and imagine you are deaf' 
 Put markers in books on topics of interest 
 Put the books on your Shelf in Order of subject 
 Raise hell 
 Raise your hat to an imaginary passerby 
 Read a book upside down to see if anyone notices 
 Read a map of the places you will never ao to 
 Read a newspaper 
 Read a tourist brochure 
 Read all of itoday's mail again 
 Read an old TV Guide 
 Read any section of a dull book 
 Read every entry in this book, holding it at arm's length 
 Read Genesis and give an estimate for the cost of creation 
 Read Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 
 Read the acknowledgments of a book 
 Read the annual financial report of a major corporation - and figure out its
 real value 
 Read the Chinese take-out menu and chooseyour lunch 
 Read the ingredients on a sauce bottle 
 Read the obituary column of your local newspaper 
 Read this book right through again 
 Read this book with one eye shut 
 Read your horoscope in an old newspaper 
 Read your own fortune in a teacup 
 Rearrange tapes 
 Rearrange the boardroom furniture 
 Rearrange the office 
 Re-arrange the workspace 
 Recite the alphabet backward 
 Refill your fountain pen 
 Refill your staple gun 
 Rehearse your excuses for when you are caught in an embarrassing situation 
 Remember a long-lost relative or friend 
 Remember a sad moment 
 Remember a special day 
 Remember a trip to Europe 
 Remember all the people at your bus stop on the way to work 
 Remember all your old addresses 
 Remember an embarrassing moment as a child 
 Remember an old friend 
 Remember items in this book that have been repeated 
 Remember last Friday's hangover 
 Remember the age when you wore a bra 
 Remember the last time you won money at cards 
 Remember times when you were at a beach as child 
 Remember what you looked like when you were young 
 Remember where everything is in your living room 
 Remember where you've seen aarge clock (and what time it was) 
 Remember your childhood 
 Remember your fauorite song 
 Remember your first day at work 
 Remember your first girlfriend or boyfriend 
 Remember your first kiss 
 Remember your last train journey 
 Remove hairs from your clothes 
 Remove the chewing gum from underneath chairs and tables 
 Remove the dead flies from the lampshade 
 Remove the pee from an apple in one continuous piece 
 Repot the oflice plants 
 Reserve some tickets for a show 
 Rethink what was said to you yesterday 
 Retie your shoelaces 
 Ring your own phone number to check that your phone is working 
 Roll up bits of paper and throw them at friends 
 Rub the rim of a glass until it "sings" 
 Rub the sides of your nose with your thumb and forefinger 
 Rub your tummy while tapping your head 
 Run around the office as though someone were chasing you 
 Run naked around the office 
 Say "Oh, dear me" repeatedly 
 Scratch a spot 
 Scratch your arm where it is not itching 
 Scratch your eyebrow with your finger 
 Scribble on an old fax 
 Search for faces in the wallpaper 
 Search our hair for lice 
 Search the local telephone directory and call people with the same name as
 yourself and ask whether they are relatives 
 See how ar down a chair you can slide before you fall to the ground 
 See how far you can reach up your back with your hand 
 See how long you can hold your breath 
 See how many different positions you can get your desk lamp to go in 
 See how many different writing implements you can find 
 See how many times you can fold up a piece of paper 
 See how many ways you can write the name of the town you live in 
 See how many words you can make from your own full name 
 See what your name spells when you write it backward 
 See who has the most money in their pockets and make them buy lunch 
 Seek an understanding of your future in the pattern of coffee grinds in your
 Select a name for your house 
 Send messages to colleagues via your computer 
 Send someone you love a gift 
 Set a clockwork mouse off around the office 
 Sharpen all your pencils 
 Show a friend sexy photos 
 Show colleagues cartoons of your boss 
 Sing a song in the style of your favorite popstar 
 Sing arias from operas very loudly, waving your arms around at the same time

 Sing your favorite song 
 Sit and catch people's eyes as they walk by 
 Sit and cross and uncross your legs 
 Sit and stare out of the window 
 Sit and think about why you work where you do 
 Sit and worry 
 Sit at a colleague's desk while they are not there 
 Sit facing a blank wall 
 Sit in as many different positions as you can in the same chair 
 Sit on the floor 
 Sit on the stairs 
 Sketch your workmates when they are not looking 
 Slurp your coffee to distract everyone 
 Smoke a cigar 
 Smoke pot in the storeroom 
 Snarl at someone you dislike 
 Sneak up behind a colleague and try to tie their shoelaces together 
 Sort out all your used envelopes 
 Sort out old newspapers and magazines 
 Sort out the rubber bands in the stationery drawer 
 Sort out used ballpoint pens 
 Spin a coin 
 Split a pencil to see if you can get the lead out in one piece 
 Squeeze the zits on your face 
 Stack up used paper cups and then knock them down 
 Stand and sit continually for thirty seconds 
 Stand holding a chair and swing alternate legs backward and forward 
 Stand On One leg for a month 
 Stand on your desk and wish everyone "Good morning!" 
 Stand on your head 
 Stand on your head and recite your favorite poem 
 Start an argument with colleagues 
 Stick ex libris plates on your books 
 Stomp on plastic cups 
 Straighten the picture on the wall 
 Straighten the wire clothes hangers in the closet 
 String together rubber bands 
 Study a map of a region you are unlikely to ever visit 
 Study the controls of a space shuttle so you can pilot the ship back to
 Suck peanuts 
 Surprise someone at work you don't know by taking them a cup of coffee or
 Swat a fly 
 Swing on your chair 
 Take all the dead matches out of matchboxes 
 Take the bulb out of your desk lamp and replace it 
 Take up yoga 
 Take your pulse 
 Talk for hours on the phone 
 Talk to a colleague about your favorite schoolteachers 
 Talk to a friend about a problem at home 
 Talk to angels 
 Talk to fairies 
 Talk to the office plants 
 Teach yourself to play the spoons 
 Tear an old telephone directory in half 
 Tease a workmate 
 Tell a friend what happened over breakfast 
 Tell someone a spooky campfire tale 
 Tell someone to calm down 
 Tell someone you just really don't care 
 Test the pens on your desk 
 Test your eyes using an eye-testing chart 
 Test your IQ 
 Test your memory by writing down what you did yesterday 
 Thi nk what you would do if you inherited a mansion 
 Think about cleaning your children's bedrooms 
 Think about haw big this dinosaur's toes might have been after seeing its
 thigh bone 
 Think about how humans evolved 
 Think about how lonely astronauts must feel up in space 
 Think about looking down from a great height 
 Think about sex 
 Think about your favorite type of tree 
 Think back to when you last mowed a lawn 
 Think how long it would take you to draw the Bayeux Tapestry 
 Think of a caption for the two pictures below 
 Think of a comic you read as a child 
 Think of a different thing you could do during your lunch break for the next
 two weeks 
 Think of a famous person you would like to draw or interview 
 Think of a job you would not like to do 
 Think of a new route to get to work 
 Think of a new use for a strange tool 
 Think of a news story for an employee newsletter 
 Think of a spot in the countryside you have longed to visit 
 Think of all the things you can sell that you don't really need 
 Think of an animal for each letter of the alphabet 
 Think of five people you would give a medal for bravery 
 Think of how you would fire someone if you were the boss 
 Think of something you would prefer to be doing now 
 Think of ten climb the stairs to work in a suit of armor 
 Think of ten excuses you could have used to stay in bed this morning 
 Think of ten reasons why you should not get married 
 Think of ten reasons why you should get married 
 Think of ten ways to cure a hangover 
 Think of ten ways to get away with murder 
 Think of the day you got married 
 Think of the reason why there are entries in this book 
 Think of the ten most beautiful women in the world 
 Think of the ten most handsome men in the world 
 Think of uses for every room in your own castle 
 Think of your favorite soccer goal and imagine yourself as the goalkeeper 
 Think qf ten ways to get into a castle unnoticed 
 Think up an advertisement using a toucan 
 Think up the most unlikely business trip 
 Think what graffiti you would write on the toilet walls 
 Think what would be your favorite sight from the crow's nest of a ship 
 Think what you could do with three extra fingers 
 Think what you will bring back as presents for friends and relatives from
 your next vacation 
 Think what you would do if you lost your job 
 Think what you would do with three wishes from your very own genie 
 Think where you would like to be buried when you die 
 Think who you would take away with you for a dream weekend 
 Throw a fit 
 Throw all your problems at someone else 
 Throw away old credit cards and business cards 
 Throw playing cards into a hat 
 Throw things at people from your office window (then hide) 
 Throw your paper airplane to someone, if you haven't already 
 Tidy your office drawers 
 Tidy your work area 
 Tie knots in a piece of string 
 Tie little bits of string into one long piece 
 Tie up your shoelace with only one hand 
 Torment the cat 
 Toss a coin in the air as high as you can without hitting the ceiling 
 Toss a coin ten times to see how many times it comes up heads 
 Toss a dime from your forearm onto your hand 
 Touch your toes 
 Trim your nose hairs 
 Try a self-portrait 
 Try and remember your parents' zip code 
 Try on hats from the hat stand 
 Try to add letters to a notice to change its meaning 
 Try to catch nuts in your mouth by throwing them in the air 
 Try to curl up your toes 
 Try to find a baby sitter and arrange a night out 
 Try to get a dent out of a Ping-Pong ball 
 Try to guess the color of objects while blindfolded 
 Try to imagine what your children are doing 
 Try to look at the end of your nose 
 Try to move a coin by telepathy 
 Try to pick up small objects using crossed fingers 
 Try to read a page of a book upside down 
 Try to recall the names of kids in your elemental scool 
 Try to recall the periodic table 
 Try to recall your earliest thoughts 
 Try to remember the Gettysburg Address 
 Try to remember old group photos and the names of everyone in them 
 Try to remember old jokes 
 Try to remember the color of your friends eyes 
 Try to remember the formula for the volume of a sphere 
 Try to remember the license plate numbers of a the cars you have ever owned 
 Try to remember the name of the tiny man in The Maltese Falcon 
 Try to remember the order of Ten Commandments 
 Try to remember the tune of the Warsaw Concerto 
 Try to remember what is the most you have ever drunk on one occasion 
 Try to remember what you are supposed to be doing 
 Try to remember what you did last week 
 Try to remember what you did this time last year 
 Try to remember where you put last year's Christmas list 
 Try to remember who got drunk at the office party 
 Try to remember who taught you chemistry in college 
 Try to remember who told them 
 Try to remember who was the class "brain" when you were fifteen years old 
 Try to remember who won old national sports events 
 Try to remember with how many airlines you have flown 
 Try to see down your throat with a mirror 
 Try to see the minute hand of your watch moving 
 Try to slide as far down a chair as possible without falling off 
 Try to wiggle your toes 
 Turn out your pockets and brush off the fluff 
 Turn the radio on and find the most boring channel 
 Twist around and around on your chair 
 Twist the end of an imaginal mustache 
 Twist your face into different shapes 
 Twist your legs around the chair in which you are sitting 
 Type an anonymous letter to someone and send it through inter-office mail 
 Type your curriculum vitae 
 Untangle t:he telephone cord 
 Untangle the cords on your blinds 
 Visit a friend 
 Wait until your boss leaves, then blow a raspberry 
 Wake up a friend 
 Wake up your grandparents with a phone call 
 Walk about quickly so you look busy 
 Walk around the building looking busy 
 Walk up and down 
 Wander around the office looking busy 
 Wash out old fountain pens 
 Wash your hands 
 Watch a friend work 
 Watch a friend working and mimic their habits 
 Watch a sunset 
 Watch the clouds to see which way the wind is blowing 
 Watch water run down a window pane 
 Water the plants 
 Wear a fancy hat for an hour 
 Whistle a tune 
 Whistle out a tune 
 Wind up your watch 
 Wink at someone across the room 
 Work as slowly as a snail or a giant tortoise 
 Work out how much you could save if you gave up smoking or other activities 
 Work out how to pay for your dream car 
 Work out how to spend this week's paycheck 
 Work out number puzzles in your head 
 Work out the perfect murder 
 Work out the real meaning of life 
 Work out what percentage of your salary you spend on going to work 
 Work out what time it is in Tokyo 
 Work out your height in meters 
 Work out your weight in kilos 
 Write a letter of protest about some local urban development to the relevant
 government officials 
 Write a letter to a famous person who is dead 
 Write a letter to Santa Claus 
 Write a letter to the Prime Minister of Britain 
 Write a limerick 
 Write a poem 
 Write a rude note to your bank 
 Write down all the people that you really care about 
 Write down ten reasons why you belong to your religion (if you are
 Write graffiti on toilet walls 
 Write letter to a friend 
 Write lyrics to Ravel's Bolero 
 Write out your favorite poem as small as you can 
 Write the year in Roman numerals 
 Write the first paragraph of a comedy or a tragedy for the theater 
 Write to the author of this book 
 Write to the author of this book and thank him for wasting your time 
 Write words in the mist formed by your breath on a cold window or mirror 
 Write your autobiography in brief 
 Write your date of birth in Roman numerals 
 Write your epitaph 
 Write your name and address in mirror writing 
 Write your name on your office cup 
 Write your obituary 


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