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A New and somewhat twisted Plot to Lufia II

Yessssss, once again gURLpages continues to thwart my efforts to make a decent webpage. I went to copy the text from my old shitty page at gurlpages, and low and behold the entire plot had mysteriously vanished. The background was there, the heading was there, but the actually story was gone. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits.

I will put it up as soon as I can dig up the original which is buried in a heap of other papers, which is in a box with other heaps of paper, which is under about two other boxes and a crate, which are all under the comforters I have stacked on top of them, which are all in my very very full closet, which is partially blocked in by my bed, which in turn is blocked in by my bookcase.

I wouldn't anticipate it much if I were you.

screw it baby