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Sci-Fi Flicks

=cheesey movie

() bonus star oh yes
Logan's Run (Michael York, Jenny Agutter, and Farrah Fawcett)
This is my favorite sci-fi movie ever! Sometime in the 23rd Century... the survivors of war, overpopulation and pollution are living in a great domed city, sealed away from the forgotten world outside. Here, in an ecologically balanced world, mankind only lives for pleasure, freed by the servo-mechanisms which provide everything. There's just one catch. Life must end at thirty, unless reborn in the fiery ritual of carrousel.

5th Element (Milla Jovovich (yay!!), Bruce Willis, Chris Tucker)
Once every 5000 years, the doorway between dimensions opens and the embodiment of all that is evil enters our galaxy with the purpose of wiping out all life. The only thing that can stop it is the 5th element, a supreme being known as Leeloo. Leeloo, along with her new ally Korban Dallas, are pulled into an alliance of humans and aliens who must stop Evil before it wipes out everything. It's better than I make it sound, promise.

Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy (Jane Fonda)
The year is 40.000. Peacefully floating around in zero-gravity Barbarella is suddenly interrupted by a call from the President of Earth. A young scientist, Duran-Duran, is threatening the ancient universal peace and Barbarella is the one chosen to find him and save the world. During her mission, Barbarella never finds herself in a situation where it isn't possible to lose at least part of her already minimal dressing. This is the corniest movie ever. It's hella funny though.

Stargate (James Spader (yay), Kurt Russell)
A stargate found in Egypt in the 40's is put into storage until a genious, Dr. Daniel Jackson, figures out how to operate it. Now, there is a link between earth and an unknown galaxy millions of light years away. Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neil is sent with Daniel and some men to explore the unkown, and they encounter a culture oddly similar to ancient Egyptians back on earth. However, to get back home they must find a missing piece of stargate, and save earth from an evil being which has enslaved humans for thousands of generations.

Titan A.E. (Drew Barrymore, Matt Damon, John Leguizamo, Janeane Garofalo)
One thousand years from now, aliens destroy Earth in fear of humanities recent advancements. Some humans escape, living in scattered drifter colonies, but the human race is in grave danger of extinction. Years later a spacecraft captain and its pilot, Korso and Akima, seek out Cale, the son of the scientist behind the Titan project. Cale unkowingly holds the key and a map to the Titan, which is the last chance to reunite and save humanity.

The Thing (Kurt Russell)
An American scientific expedition to the frozen wastes of the Antarctic is interrupted by a group of seemingly mad Norwegians pursuing and shooting at a husky. The helicopter pursuing the dog crash-lands, killing everyone aboard and leaving no explanation for the chase. Back at the American base, the dog mutates and attacks other dogs in the kennel and members of the team that investigate. The team soon realises that an alien life-form with the ability to kill and imitate the bodies of living creatures is on the loose, and they don't know who may already have been taken over.

Lexx (Barry Bostwick, Tim Curry)
The Lexx is a biomechanical insectoid spaceship and the most powerful weapon of destruction in the Light universe. Its eclectic crew is comprised of one dead, 6,000 year old assassin - Kai, last of the Brunnen-G; one beautiful, genetically-modified, love slave/cluster lizard hybrid - Xev of B3K; and one Security Guard class four - the Lexx's Captain, Stanley Tweedle. 790, the de-bodied robot drone, also acompanies them on their bizarre adventures through the galaxies. I wasn't sure how to rate this, I really like it, but its very campy. By the way this isn't the T.V. show, it's the mini series it was based off of.

Clockwork Orange (Micheal McDowel)
In a futuristic Britian, Alex, the narrator, is the dictatorial leader of a quartet of droogs, a vicious group of young hoodlums who spend their nights stealing, fighting, breaking into houses, killing and raping. Alex, however, is not just some uncivilized ruffian. He absolutely cherishes the music of Ludwig von Beethoven, his 9th Symphony in particular, and always enjoys a refreshing glass of Milk Plus. However, things take a turn for the worse for poor Alex, and his actions come back to haunt him.

Heavy Metal (John Candy)
An astronaut brings home a glowing green orb for his daughter. However, the orb kills him and corners the girl for it's purposes. Claiming to be the embodiment of all evil, the malevolent sphere, known as the Locnar, terrorizes the little girl by showing a series of bizarre and fantastic tales in which he has influenced. The final story is "Tarrna", where the Locnar has to come to a future Earth and changes a peaceful people into a horde of murderous barbarians who rampage with genocidal zeal. Only the last Tarackian, a silent swords-woman known as Tarrna, can avenge the victims and stop the Locnar.

Heavy Metal 2000 (Billy Idol)
The acronym F.A.K.K. (Federation Assigned Ketogenic Killzone) is a universal warning to all Federation deep space navigators, indicating a biohazard area that is lethaly dangerous, the name of a secret world, and now a woman who has assumed the name of the world she cherished, when that name alone could no longer protect her and her planet from invaders. She now fights to free her sister from the ruthless, power-hungry monster who abducted her when he ravaged their majestic planet and stole its greatest secret.

Star Wars (The Original Triligy) (Mark Hammil, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, James Earl Jones, Alec Guinness )
A New Hope follows Luke Skywalker, as he and his newly met allies (Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2) attempt to rescue a rebel leader, Princess Leia, from the clutches of the Empire. In The Empire Strikes Back, Darth Vader is helping the Empire crush the rebellion determined to end the Empire's domination of the universe. Luke Skywalker, in a bid to strengthen his knowledge of the force, finds Yoda, one of the finest Jedis ever, while Leia and Han help out the rebels on Hoth. In Return of the Jedi Darth Vader and the Empire are building a new, indestructible Death Star. The final battle takes place on the moon of Endor, with it's natural inhabitants, the Ewoks, lending a hand to the rebels.

Fahrenheit 451 (Oskar Werner, Julie Christie )
Based on the 1951 Ray Bradbury novel of the same name. Guy Montag is a firefighter who lives in a lonely, isolated society where books have been outlawed by a government fearing an independent-thinking public. It is the duty of firefighters to burn books, the idea of putting out fires obsolete. Through the influence of a certain young woman he meets, Montag begins to read books and starts to question the government's motives behind book-burning.

Starman (Jeff Bridges)
Jenny Hayden never did get over the death of her husband. So when an alien life form decides to take on the shape of her late husband, Jenny is understandably confused if not terrified. The starman enlists her help to escape from pursuing authorities and rendezvous with a spacecraft on the other side of the country. As their adventures wear on, he becomes more human, and the two get closer.

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (Alec Baldwin, Donald Sutherland)
In the year 2065, the next great assault against an invading race of phantom-like aliens is about to be launched. Dr. Aki Ross, a brilliant young scientist, races to find the invaders' secrets, not only to save the planet, but herself as well after her body is infected by alien particles. But as Aki and her mentor Dr. Sid work towards a peaceful end, the scheming General Hein devises a plot to eradicate the aliens in one swift, destructive blow...even if it destroys the Earth right along with them.

Death Race 2000 (Sylvester Stalone, David Carradine)
It is the year 2000, twenty-one years after "The World Crash of '79", and the biggest patriotic sporting event for the masses is the Transcontinental Road Race. Five racers and their navigators jump into heavily-customized cars and race across country in a deadly competition, and all pedestrians are fair game. The winner must not only reach their destination first, but must also rack up the most points. The TRR doubles as population control, with women of child-bearing age worth 10 more points than men, teens 40, children under twelve 70, and folks over 75 a whopping 100 points. This movie is great if you have a sense of humor.

Tron (Jeff Bridges)
Computer Classic, one of the first computer generated movies. A hacker is split into molecules and is transported into a huge company computer. In this computer an evil program called Master Control behaves like a dictator. Flynn, the hacker who programmed a number of features of the environment he got into, teams up with a book keeping program and his girl-friend and together they try to replace Master Control with Tron, the watchdog program Flynn's friend had previously created for the company.

Tank Girl (Lori Petty, Malcom McDowel, Iggy Pop, Ice-T)
"A while ago, this humongous comet came crashing into the Earth. Bam! Total devastation. End of the world at we know it- no celebrities, no cable T.V., no water. It hasn't rained in 11 years. Now, 20 people gotta squeeze inside the same bathtub. So it ain't all bad." I'ts 2003 and all the water is controlled by Water & Power, an evil corporation. Tank Girl and her buddies are caught stealing water, and they are all brutally killed except for TG and one friend, who are both captured. Enter Jet Girl, some weird cameos, and a bunch of mutant kangaroo soldiers.