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Sexy Guys

All right girls (possibly guys), this page reflects MY tastes, so you might like it, you might not.

One more thing. I noticed there were a bunch of musicians here. I am not the type of person who only likes a band because the guys are really hot, and thats all I care about. I really love the music each musician in here makes. Thats part of why I think they're attractive. Anyway...
I hope you enjoy.

(It takes a minute to load all the pictures and the background. Theres almost forty pictures so don't give up after the first couple.)

David Bowie

As far as I'm concernd David Bowie is the most gorgeous creature to ever walk the face of the Earth. If you want more Bowie pics go to my website. A link should be on the homepage.

Ewan McGreggor

I love Ewan McGregor! He is so cool! Infact I just got back from seing him in Moulin Rouge. He's also been in Velvet Goldmine, Eye of the Beholder, Trainspotting and a whole bunch of cool movies.

John Taylor

Ah, my favorite member of Duran Duran. Simon Le Bon and Nick Rhodes are at a tie for my second favorite.

Christian Bale

He looks so pensive. (He is an actor by the way. Check out Velvet Goldmine and American Psycho- very cool movies).

Elvis Presley

If you don't think Elvis is cool, you're a freak. A freak!

Brian Molko

Brian Molko is the lead singer of Placebo. Yes, Brian is a man I assure you. He's so pretty!

Jason Patric

This is a really bad picture. Anyway, he played Michael in The Lost Boys, a really cool 80's vampire movie. If you like 80's vampire movies try The Hunger, starring David Bowie.

Robert Smith

Robert is the lead singer of The Cure. They are definitly one of my favorite bands of all time. Somebody stole my Cure cd. That pisses me off.

Trent Reznor

Trent here is the lead singer and driving force behind Nine Inch Nails.

Jonathan Rhys Myers

This guys plays the Bowie-esque character in Velvet Goldmine, also starring the aforementioned Christian Bale, and Ewan McGreggor. I highly reccomend that movie.

Johnny Depp

Oh yes.

Gavin Rossdale

Gavin is the lead singer of Bush.

James Dean

Ask your mom.

Jim Morrison

The lead singer of the Doors, another fantastic band. Alas, Jim is dead.

Val Kilmer

Val Kilmer pretending to be Jim Morrison in the movie, appropriately titled, The Doors.

Ioan Gruffudd

He plays Horatio in the A&E special "Horatio Hornblower". You might also have seen him as a deck hand on Titanic. He's been in other stuff to, but nothing as notable (in America, anway.)

Brad Pitt

'Nuff said.

Tim Curry

He played Dr. Frank N Furter in the best movie of all time- The Rocky Horror Picture Show!

Daniel Johns

Daniel is the lead singer of another great band- Silverchair.

Malcolm McDowell

Malcolm is the guy in the middle. He played the marvelous Alex in Stanly Kubrik's A Clockwork Orange. Rent that one too.

Michael York

He played Logan in Logan's Run. Intensley cool sci-fi movie! It was done in the 70's, but I have been hearing a rumor they want to do a remake. It also stars Jenny Augutter (American Werewolf in London) and a young Farrah Fawcet in a minor roll.

Marilyn Manson

Super Sex-A-Liscious!!

Samuel L. Jackson

Shaft anyone?

Jay Gordon

Jay is the lead singer of Orgy, one of my favorite bands. Sorry I couldn't find a better picture I havn't looked at a billion times already.

James Spader

This guy has been in a zillion movies, but my favorite role he played is Daniel Jackson in Stargate. He is the really dorky linguist and historian who is an expert on ancient Egypt. I love dorky smart guys so much. Even the guys who plays him on the TV series spin-off (not half as cool as the movie) is awesomely geeky. I want to marry Daniel Jackson.

Nicolas Cage

He is a good actor, very talented, and very hot.

Russel Crowe

This is dedicated to my friend Sean, the number one Russel Crowe fan of all time!

Kurt Cobain

This is my all time favorite picture of him. Too bad its kinda blury.

Mark Hamill

It makes me sad. Everyone talks about Han Solo, and all of the other characters. I have never seen a lead character so overlooked as Luke Skywalker. He's totally the best character too!

Billy Idol

Blly Idol just rocks. There's no way around it.

Orlando Bloom

Here he plays Legolas in Lord of the Rings.


Bring on the elves.

Setzer Gabbiani

King Edgar is my favorite male Final Fantasy III character, but I just think Setzer is better looking. I think it's just one of those things where you have to play the game... Screw Me!