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The Survey

Formerly known as the Survey of Doom


Alright, the basics. What is your name?

Email? Come on, I'm not gonna spam you, don't be a wuss.

Since music is the most important thing in life, what is your favorite band?

Favorite solo-artist?

Whats your favorite cereal?

Which of these accents sounds coolest?

You would rather spend your afternoon:

Whats the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Have you ever cross dressed?

What is a cool website I should check out?

Did Lee Harvey Oswell really kill JFK?

I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you
Somehow, I seem to have missed the most controversial assasination of this century, and don't know what your refering to.

The coolest thing about the 80's was:

The most annoying current fad is:

Explain the phrase, "ill nana" to me.

Whose your favorite Greek/Roman mythological character?

Does or does not country suck?

How do you eat your recies peices peanut butter cup?

What is your preffered type of underwear?

Placoidei is:

Like any cool comics?

Which of the following is the best David Bowie Song?
Ziggy Stardust.
I'm Afraid Of Americans
Scary Monsters
Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed
I am ignorant and have no knowledge of this man among men, this god on earth, this supreme being known as David Bowie
Sara, shut up.

What does the word "spatula" make you think of?

I'm feeling slighty nauseous at the moment. Are you?

If you were stuck on a raft for a month with someone, and you could pick someone to go with you, who would it be?

What is your favorite cult movie?
This list is getting a bit long and I know there are a lot more, so just write any others here.

If you had one wish, you would wish for (and NO you can't wish for more wishes or world peace):

From what you've seen of my site, it...

Comments? Questions? Anything at all?

Just Screw It