andy's big day out
I wasn't really sure what to expect from my first non-T festival, so I wasn't really as hyped up beforehand as I usually would back home! It was certainly strange not having to queue to get in, and as for having stages next to each other certainly had it's pros and cons; at least you'll have something to listen to between sets, but it's annoying being subjected to band you don't really wanna see (which is why Eskimo Joe, Jebediah and Little Birdy aren't included in my reviews, cos I didn't wanna see them really) It was still the inevatable festival atmosphere though, over-priced food and merchandise, loads of shit bands, but not as many drunken kids as you might get at home cos they're a bit stricter about that here! Sadly it was annoyinlgy familiar to get booted in the face by crowd-surfers getting dragged out, but it was nice to get down the front nice and easy for the bands you wanted to see. Aye, all in all not bad, but it wisnae' T...
Kat from Le Tigre, she's great eh?