I love men. I love their eyes, their hair, their voices...everything! I love certain men in particular. Listed below in no particular order are "my boys." Bask in their sexy goodness...can you feel the love? I can...
Allow me introduce you to Shawn (a total ass, but very pretty to look at) and Paul M. These guys were seniors at Calvert Hall my junior year, and I met them through my acting friends. Paul is a great actor, and is very nice to look at. I used to have the biggest crush on Paul, but ever since my friend Robin's graduation party where we all chilled until the wee hours of the morning, I don't see him like that anymore. Yeah, he's still fun to swoon over, but now he's just Paul. Meh.
This is the infamous John Demetritus. He amuses the hell outta me and is pretty damn cute for a stoner. The great thing about John is that whenever you see him, he always looks like he's really surprised to see you. I always figured it was because he was suprised you remembered who he was. But he's one of those guys who's hard to forget.
Now, Kyree, seen here mugging for the camera at prom, isn't really a wannabe boyfriend. He's annoying. I like him as a friend, but, damn, we really can't stand each other for too long. And girls, don't even think about it...Kyree would much rather be dishing about which boy he'd like to lick whip cream off of than pay attention to girls. He's good for celebrity gossip and for dancing, though, so we tolerate each other.
*screams* AH!!!! THE CUTE LITTLE MAN!!! Yes, finally, I have a picture of my favourite of all men: Mr. Garrett, my former Spanish 3 teacher and the sweetest guy around. I love him I love him I love him I love him! He's so little and sweet and adorable that you just wanna dress him in footie pajamas and give him a Golden Retriever puppy for Christmas!!! (Yes, I have problems.) Too bad he's moving to New Orleans. Mercy corrupted him. Note the nasty, scraggly beard.
This is the second "cute little man," Mr. Danner. He was my former computer teacher (twice!), and he's a really nice guy. He realized how talented lizzie and I were at Word Processing, so as long as we did the work, we could do whatever we wanted in his class. He also recognized that C++ is pointless and boring (especially if you're only taking one semester of it), so we pretty much breezed through that class too. He helped me out with computer crises, and he and his lovely wife have seen just about every play I've been in since he came to Mercy. (*laughs* He actually thinks I'm a talented actress too...what a great guy!)
This picture can also be seen on the third book of theatre pictures. Eric is my "Resident Monkey," a term I came up with because we started battling over who was better: commuters or residents at Goucher. Ever since we started taking Acting Two and Frontiers together, we've gotten a lot closer. He's sweet, delicious, and funny. (And yes, this is the one who looks exactly like Wes Boreland, although not so much in this picture, what with the blonde wig and all.)
Ooh! What a delectable specimen my buddy Brendan is! (A bad picture; it needs to be photoshopped.) He and I met in our Intro to Communications class last semester. We sat in the middle two seats in the front row every day. After class, we'd watch the last half of The Price is Right together. He's funny and very confident about his masculinity...he constantly talks about how he wants to have Jon BonJovi's and Mark Wahlberg's love child. We don't get to see each other much this semester because of our different schedules, but when I do see him, he always makes me smile, no matter how badly I'm feeling.
This is Sam (make a note, Lucy). He works in the library at Goucher for extra spending money, and I caught him during a particularly long night. He let me crash in his dorm one night after we stayed awake until about three in the morning, writing our respective English papers in Thormann. For the rest of the semester, I was known as "the girl on the couch." (see Half Baked to understand) He's from Massachussetts and constantly refers to himself as "the man from Nantucket." His sister went to school with Tom, one of the Natucket Nectars juice guys. (If I had pics of them, they'd be up here. In middle school, their voices over the radio were the only things that would get me up in the morning.)
Jared, a.k.a. "Ebenezer," is a special boy. He's one of my favourite commuters, always joking around, always making people laugh with weird poetry, weird drawings, or his obsession with overweight women. His freshman year ID picture (in which he's sporting a massive white-boy 'fro that puts my poof to shame) is permanently in the Commuter Lounge freezer. Get it? "Ebenezer in the freezer."
This is my best buddy Chuck, a.k.a. Chester, Chuckie, Charlie, or Charles, depending upon my mood. Chuck and I met through Dave and became really close this past year, especially over the summer. We always have a lot of fun when we go out together, and he helped me a lot this past summer by keeping me sane. :)
These are my delicious dishboys from Mercyridge. CJ (*swoons*) is on the left, Cody (*giggles*) is on the right, and Short Kid (a.k.a. John, CJ's little brother and my brother's best friend) is the one being suspended in air by the two. Short Kid quit recently, and Cody is technically a "kitchen bitch," meaning he goes wherever he's needed (a "jack of all trades" if you will), but they'll always be my "dishboys" at heart. CJ, Cody, and I all have fun goosing each other and tickling each other at work. (Well, they goose and tickle me and I goose and tickle them. They leave each other alone.) Work is always 1000 times better with them around.
So one night, me, Chuck, and a few other people go to the Paper Moon Diner and, lo and behold, I manage to get a guy's phone number. Nate (seen above, and yes, that's me in the second picture) was the lucky (?) guy. I don't know what else to say, other than he was 23, funny, sweet, and well...nothing else you need to know about. *wink*
That same night, Megan also got a delicious boy's number. Jon (a.k.a. "Fandango") was that lucky (?) guy. He's a special lil boy...very silly and adorable all at once.
Paul, a.k.a. "Tonto Leche." Ex-boyfriend, friend, abuser of monkeys, lover of dead bodies. All the original pictures of him that I had up here were deleted a while ago in a fit of, well, that's a long story. This is the most recent picture of him that I had on me. Isn't he delicious?