PROM PICTURES!!! Finally, y'all can see what my magical junior prom was like. Back to more regular pictures
This one is a pic of my lunch table friends (minus some, add another) at prom. Top row: Kristy, Meghan, Tara, Jessica Z., and me (the different one!). Bottom row: Lizzie, Ju'leia, and Kathleen
Aren't Robin (the hippie from the headbanging pic) and her date Bill so cute?! Bill looks like the type of guy who would be wandering around in dark coffeehouses, reading beatnik poetry and going "Oh, I'm *so* deep!" but really, he's the funniest guy. He knows all the words to "Bye, Bye, Bye" by *NSYNC, and even did the dance from the video at prom (along with Paul M. and Shawn)!
Shawn and Eileen. Both are of the class of 2000 (him from CHC, her from Mercy), and I miss not going to school with her. Luckily, we both get to see each other relatively often, and we talk online a lot. She's a great friend to have, and she has great fashion sense.
Ugh.....*blushes profusely* First of all, in case you don't recognize the person in this picture, it's looks *nothing* like me, I know. The only reason this is up here, is because everyone thinks it's a good pic, and I don't have any better ones. It took over an hour for my hair to look like that; fifteen minutes for the make-up; much pain for the eyebrows. *Everyone* at prom, even the people who didn't like me that much, said that I looked really beautiful. Which, of course, made me blush. I always wanted to feel like a princess, and I guess for one night, I got to do that.
These two cuties are my Mercy little sisters Ashley and Katie. You may recognize Katie as the girl who unfortunately dated my brother James. But pity her no longer; she has a nice boyfriend (John/Richard/High Guy) now. Ashley is single (hey hey guys!) and is my sweet little mixture of glam freak and raver goddess. She's a good girl, doncha know. This was taken while they were waiting for me to come out and walk down the aisle with them on my Senior Ring Day.
Aye! Who are these two striking young females? Why, it's my friend Megan (in Delaware) and me. I finally figured out where this was taken--Cape Henlopen. We managed to convince two very cute guys to take the picture for us, although nothing more came from it. Meggy is my wonnerfully talented actress-chica. We've known each other since second grade, and have been best friends since then. We rarely get to talk or hang out since she lives three hours away and all, but when we do get together...good Lord, the times we have.
Introductions to the newest half of my lunchtable crew: right side, front to back: Dominique, Christina, Lindsay. Left side, front to back: Sam, Amy, Liz. These girls used to sit at the table behind my usual lunch table, but because we were always sharing food, people, and homework, we decided to join forces and fight the evils of Mercy High. Christina and Liz are vegan/vegetarian respectively, so I have to take extra care to not eat anything that looked like it once had a face. They can be militant about the whole "no meat" thing, but they're sweet and harmless enough, so this carnivore tolerates it. Sam and Dom are the fashion queens. They love going to New York or even to Towson Mall and just shopping for the newest and hippest clothes. Lindsay is quiet and sweet and works in a coffee shop in Towson mall, so I always say hi to her when I'm there. She is a recent convert to the Church of Chuckworship after I let her read his comics. Amy is a genius and notorious Anglophile. The End