Here we go again with new pictures. The first group is from Mercy's 2001 Spring Dance, sponsored by the Footlighters. Our theme for this year was 70s and 80s, and you could dress from that era. So while everyone was sporting tight mini dresses, I was dressed as "punk" as I could get, which wasn't very punk, since I'm on a limited budget. Despite a few skanky girls and a new kareoke system giving us troubles, a good night was had. Mercy Prom 2001! End of Prom Pictures
Footlighters' dances are pretty much run by Karen, a.k.a. "MixMaster K," because she's the only one who knows how to run the sound machine. She made several dance mix CDs (which she promised to burn for me!), then let them play. Of course, none of the partygoers understood this, so she needed two strong, reliable body guards. Enter me (punk mistress extraordinaire) and her boyfriend Matt. We kept teenyboppers from requesting more *NSYNC than we were willing to dish out. We also kept the thuglets from throwing things at her for playing too much pop and not enough rap. Needless to say, Karen left unharmed.
First off, don't ask where the goggles came from, nor why I'm wearing them. You'll never get an answer out of me. *grins* The "hardcore"guy with me is John, Lucy's now ex-boyfriend. I love John because he is really the only guy I know who loves Everclear as much as I do. (When he found out that I was going to see them in concert, he nearly died. Wait till he finds out that I own all six of their CDs.)
John and I were feeling a bit mischievious (that's what happens when I get a camera in my hands!), so I told him to put his hand in front of Lucy's ass (it wasn't actually touching) so I could take a picture. Lucy didn't find out what happened until the pics were developed.
The first in a series of pictures that shows how popular my "little sister" Megan is. Her company in this first pic is Eddy. I feel terrible, because I saw Eddy's shirt before I knew it was her's and said how nasty-looking it was. Eddy didn't mind, however; she knew that in order to experience the 70s and 80s, you had to wear ugly clothes.
Aw!! My two little sistahs Lucy and Megan acting like they like each other just so I could take a picture.
Robbie and Megan, making nice in picture land.
When we were together, Jordan and I were considered to be one of the most popular couples on campus, which was odd, since Mercy was an all-girl school. Everyone kept saying we "cleaned up well," which I just took as a compliment because it was easier that way.
The official pissy prom picture of me. So tell me, is it as good as last year's? PS: Jordan's mom made the daisy bouquet.
Recognize this limo? Probably least not from the outside. This is the same '57 Chevy limo that Lizzie, Jackie, and I took to see Everclear those many years ago. It was expensive like bawls, but we were the stars of prom; everyone talked about "the cool vintage limo."
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I finally got a picture of Ayrea looking completely girlie! Believe it or not, Ayrea actually made this striking fuschia dress.
I can't really compete with Ayrea's "before entering the limo" picture, but here I am anyway.
Going back in time a little bit to a few days before prom. It was a hot, sweaty day, and Dave came over to show off the tux he was going to wear to prom. (He was Lizzie's date.) I told him I'd model my dress for him as well. We used the automatic timer on the camera and took this. David is so lucky--he looks good without an hour and a half of hairstyling and without make-up help...unlike me of course. *grins*
Forward again in time to the after-prom party: best friends for a long time, Lizzie and David relax on the floor of the Towson YMCA. Lizzie, as usual, did not want her picture taken. buddies and excellent writers ED and Jess M. chillin' at the after-prom party. You should have seen Eddy--she was wearing that rainbow tye-dyed shirt with her black and white infamous cow pants and cow slippers. Only Eddy could pull that off.
This is my Mercy lil sis Ashley, waiting for her mom after volunteering at the Mercy booth at the Towson festival. It was so fun doing my last (you think I'm coming back when I'm an alum? You crazy!) Towson festival with my original lil sis. While we were waiting for her mom to show up, a bunch of jock-types beeped their horns at us, drunk guys hit on us, and a drunk guy took my balloon and told us that if we were "ever in trouble, go down to Billy's bail bonds, and they'll help you out." We thanked him for the advice, although I doubt that neither Ashley nor I will ever need it. *knocks on wood*
Aw! What a lucky caterpillar! We were all at Parkwood Cemetery, taking pictures for a religion project of mine (if I get the chance, I'm going to scan those pictures!), and there were caterpillars everywhere. Lucy was playing with one when I snapped this picture.