Peacekeepers in love

Note: When I first discovered Farscape I would not have initially had anything to recommend here if it weren't for Shrift and Nestra starting Leviathan (where I first read most of these stories), so thanks, guys.

Chimera by Maayan -- Maayan is probably the best-known writer in the fandom; in my opinion, "Chimera" is her finest story. (Set after third season).

Pinocchio and the Whale by Sabine -- He loves Aeryn. Who doesn't? A short short story.

Outcast by Melymbrosia -- An author with an incredible eye for detail, in this first season vignette she manages to capture Aeryn's history-as-hairstyle-choices so well that it feels like canon.

Disruption by huzzlewhat -- I would probably recommend it just because it stars Jenavian, the PK spy from "Look at the Princess", but this story has everything else you could want, from episodic narrative to strong characterization...and more importantly, it was really fun.

The Heart Is Also a Weapon by Vivian Wiley -- "The Choice" is one of my favorite Farscape episodes, and this is my favorite post-ep for it so far--it's one of those stories that I wish I had written but am glad someone else did, because if I could have written it this is exactly the story I too envision.

Ann Harrington only wrote three pieces of Farscape fan fiction, and they're all good if a little, um, Kempered (and doesn't "kemper" make a kickass verb?) by now. I loved "24 Hour Pass", a different take on John's return to Earth, and "Bent", a dark post-DMD AU, and the more ambitious "Return to Sender" is a novella about John, Scorpius, and the Moya crew that diverges just before the "Liars, Guns and Money" arc and provides an alternate ending for Season 2.

Keeper and Yet To My Fancied Sight by Nancy Brown --"Keeper" is a Tauvo fic (which I've always wanted but never found until now), set right before the Premiere; "Yet To My Fancied Sight" is Stark/Zhaan, and like "Keeper", it's one of those stories that seems so canonical you wonder why no one has written it down before. Graceful, sad, and romantic.

Buckshot by feldman -- First of all, I would be predisposed to like anything with the summary "There's a dark side to the Han Solo lifestyle", but feldman manages to capture the changes in John Crichton--as well as his voice--perfectly in this drabble set after "... Different Destinations". Also, I want to recommend Like Scorpions For Chocolate and her latest, Johnny On the Spot, with the caveat that it really helps if you've recently watched the episodes they're inspired by (the LGM arc and fourth seasons's "John Quixote", respectively), because both contain a lot of very specific references which add a lot if you get them but are potentially confusing otherwise.

Just Say What You Can and Just Tell Me What I Want by Robyn Bender -- I beta'd these so I may be somewhat lacking in objectivity, but I like Robyn's writing so much that I'm temporarily hosting her site here--she writes great John/Aeryn and amazing erotica, period.

Weight of the World by Analise starts off recalling the movie Independence Day, and right there you have half of why I was into it--it's a tale set on Peacekeeper-occupied Earth with Crichton and Aeryn as resistance leaders (and I almost just wrote post-Colonization, but, wrong fandom) and I read the whole thing in one sitting and then proceeded to go through the rest of Analise's site...

A new device is being tested by Makiko -- A story I loved because on first reading (which was the same night I saw the third season finale for the first time) I could dream it all happening like this. Sabine/Makiko is one of those authors worth reading for style alone, and I found some of her other Farscape stories uneven but with this one she got the characterization and the angst right and the whole thing just worked for me for reasons I don't feel like analyzing--the sex scene on the Command Carrier, maybe? Whatever. I bought it all this time because she made me want to buy it.

Meek by Northlight is M'Lee!fic and it's just...wow.

In the Company of Ghosts by KodiakkeMax is an amazing and truly epic AU where Aeryn Sun doesn't end up on Moya, but altered into something more alien, and set upon a path that keeps inexorably drawing her to John Crichton... If I had one problem with this story it's that the connection between Aeryn and John seems a little too romance-novel (and I like romance novels, but still) in the sense that it really does just come down to well, chemistry; overall, it worked for me anyway but I would have liked a bit more support for that than there was, because other than alien bioelectricity and it being their destiny, everything else that draws canon John & Aeryn together has no chance to happen in the ItCoG universe and I kept feeling like there was something... missing or imbalanced in the equation of their relationship as a result. But the original Peacekeeper characters and the detailed world of military hierarchy and political intrigue and dangerous engagements Max creates for her heroine are incredible--easily as good as most of the pro fiction with similar themes I've read lately--and the initial set-up could support at least a half a dozen fascinating stories about the crew of Moya alone. So she's one of those authors for whose work I want to issue a blanket recommendation--especially her Chiana story Space Between, but I've really enjoyed almost everything she's ever written.

Shaye's Foolish Girl is an insightful & memorable story which offers another, darker, explanation for what drives PK tech girl Gilina to make the choices she does.

[Add The Uglier Truth and The Melting Man]


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