The Situation:
Now, when your general consumer goes to the grocery store, it is very common for one to notice that cheese is rather expensive. Therefore, in order to get the best deal (supposedly), the shopper will purchase the overlarge and seemingly cheaper block of cheese in comparison to the smaller ones in the more exquisite packaging.
This makes the shopper feel rather satisfied with his shopping skills. But, was this such an ideal shopping decision to make, especially if this particular shopper is trying to cut back on fattening food?
3 weeks later:
Our smart shopper opens the fridge door for a nice little snack, so he reaches for the block of cheese. With a horrified look he stares dumbfounded at his cheese: it is *gasp* MOLDY!!!!
The cheese is too large for a dieting person to consume within the given expiration period.
The Solution:
Obviously, since this shopper can't eat that much cheese in that length of time without becoming rather obese, it would be far more economical and health conscious to purchase the smaller, slightly more costly block of cheese.
Thank you, I am the brilliant one!