By Cyber Seduction
I just got back from the Drive-In movie theater in Fairborn.
I watched A.I. and if you viewed the time on the post you will
see that I wrote this post instead of going to bed. This is because
it is my hope that if you had plans to watch this movie this
weekend I could get to you before you did and tell you that you
would find it more entertaining to blow off your own hand with
a firecracker.
This movie was 2 and a half hours of half-baked, illiterate,
artsy-fartsy dribble. I found this movie a complete waste of
my time, bearing in mind that Battlefield Earth wasn't even a
COMPLETE waste of my time. This movie not only lacked a plot,
but also lacked developed characters and an overall point. It
was another drawn out story like "Bicentannial Man"
that based itself around an artificial being and his quest for
Gay. I. starred the same boy that was in "The 6th Sense".
And as he is playing the same type of character, if you know
this going into the movie then you are constantly expecting him
to say..."I see dead people". Data was more entertaining
than this little sonovabitch. As a backup character there is
a robot missing a head and a robot programmed for sex. A Porno-Bot.
As a second backup character in this movie, there is an autonomous
toy that looks like a teddy bear. I like to refer to him as a
possesed Teddy-Ruxbin. He talks and interacts and at one point,
snarls....Ohhh an evil toy, what will we do now. Quick...use
the flash on your camera.
The movie follows the story of a machine created to love.
This family buys said machine. Family's comatose son comes out
of coma. Boy and A.I. interact. Panic insues. A.I. gets scared
and drags boy to bottom of pool. Violence insues. Parents leave
A.I. in woods. A.I. goes on a quest to find the blue fairy from
the story of Pinnochio so that he can be a real boy. A.I. finds
blue fairy at the bottom of the ocean. A.I. prays to blue fairy
to be a real boy so his "mom" will love him. He prays
for 2000 years. World freezes over. Humanity dies. Aliens come
and revive A.I.. Aliens recreate mom. Mom tells A.I.she loves
him. Mom lives for one day. Mom dies. Movie closes as A.I. is
holding dead mother's hand.
That is the whole story...I Shit You Not.
I warn you now. This movie is not at all geared toward the
Sci-Fi community. It is geared toward the drooling masses in
an attempt by Spielberg to recreate Jurassic Park. HIS ATTEMPT
FAILED!!! As I did with Bicentenial Man, I grew stubble waiting
for this movie to end...on to see in the closing credits that
it was written and produced by the same people who wrote and
produced Bicentenial Man. I also warn you that because I disliked
it so much, the masses will probably love it and it will turn
into another Titanic.
In summation, this movie was a horrible trip through my memories
of 1980's saturday morning cartoons. This movie was predictable
and distilled a plethora of plot holes. I enjoyed more my last
excursion into the bowels of Eastern Ohio hell. I would like
to give this movie a star rating but it doesn't even rate on
my scale.
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