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|Forum|Articles|Boston Pubic

Bosten Public Urinal
June 20 2001, 9:58 AM

I too turned on the TV yesterday, expecting to see Dark Angel and insted was greeted with Boston Pubic. I unlike the less lethargic of you actually watched most of it. Unforutnately I was not really paying attention so I can not come up with witty banter about how the show sucked. However I did come up with several radical ideas about how I would run a TV network

1 How about if we showed, say the Lone Gunmen, at a particular time on the preceeding week we showed it at the same time on the current week. I know its a radical concept but think of the labor that would be saved. In the current system the crotchety old wife of the CEO of Fox must draw colored balls out of a bingo machine to determine the airtimes of each weeks shows, and then the CGI department must change the times listed in each one of the 450 different commercials that Fox airs each week that tell what time shows will be on. To maintain Fox's current level of total randomness this must be done every week. Think of the cost that could be saved if shows were shown at fixed times. You could almost call it a TV schedule.

Now I know the heads of Fox Broadcasting think it is great to show a preview commerical for a new series every 20 minutes for a year before the show airs. Now they may think that this saturation style ad campaign gets a new show higher ratings but I am guessing that the population at large has a memory span that lasts longer than 20 minutes, and that by extolling the greatness of this show every 20 minutes for an entire year before it comes out, it might cause people to become sick of the show, and habituly avoid it when it finally airs. Of course this does explain the logic behind the airtimes incognito discussed in the last paragraph. You can not avoid watching a show if you do not know when it is on.



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