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|Forum|Articles|The Draft

By Cyber Seduction


Earlier today I did a search on a popular Web Search site on "Military Conscription." I was admittedly disturbed, and upset, that almost all of the available web pages on the subject were people and/or organizations that are against military conscription. I found not one web site that told about the benefits or needs of drafting personnel from the civilian population to serve in the military.

I was also intrigued that the majority of the people that I found to be against conscription were young people. These young people don't have the slightest bit of first hand experience in this type of activity. The majority of them were not even alive during the last era that the draft was alive. It disturbs me that these people can have such a strong opinion about something that is basically based on third-hand accounts, hearsay, and possibly the wrong opinions, of the same nature, held by their parents, grandparents, etc.

What these people don't seem to understand is that the draft is there to keep up the population of the army in times of need, and there would be no "time of need" if people did not shy away from the military life during times of war. The people that are outspoken about their dislike for military conscription need to be taught that without it, in times of war, the military would be able to sustain no major assault, they would lose the fight, they would eventually lose the war, and said people would have their freedoms taken away at the same time as their right to post ideas like this on the internet.

I do not want to be misunderstood I do not "like" war. Who does? I would, however, be the first one in line at the recruitment office if the need arose for me to stand up for our freedoms and ultimately defend them with my life.




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