Fall Lineup.
By Anubis
The fall lineup
October 13 2001 at 12:42 PM
Anubis (no login)
Is it just me or does the fall lineup of TV shows really,
really, suck. An overview...
First we have the new mutant themed Dark Angel. This one baffles
me. They had a perfectly good thing going with the old Dark Angel.
Proffessor X-ish wheelchair guy finds evil. Max beats crap out
of evil. Everyone goes home happy. Its the kind of plot that
can be explained on the back of a napkin. And the reviews were
good. The ratings were high. Why did they change it to somthing
that could not be explained on the back of a napkin, that would
require a sixth dimensional hypertesseract projection to fully
illustrate all of its plot holes.
Then we have Love Cruise. I think if David was asked to design
a reality TV show it would be somthing like Love Cruise. I only
watched one and a half episodes before my gag reflex took over
but it appeared to combine the worst parts of Survivor with the
worst parts of High School. Oh and the person who can burn through
the most partners gets a cash prize. All I can say is .. wow.
Then we have Undeclared. I suppose it is ok for what it is
trying to be, a comedy set in a collage dorm(wow original) but
it seems to be lacking somthing. Like action. No cops, no ninjas,
no Kingons, no agents, no aliens, not even a friken Ex-Navy SEAL.
If I wanted to watch a contrived sitcom about a nonexistant collage,
I would just tail David.
I had all but stopped watching cartoons due to overwhelming
and relentless *mon saturation but I sat down today to see what
they were offering. I feel ill.
There is still heavy and total *mon infection but now we have
the offshoot of *mon in the form of card game cartoons like Ui
Ge Oh (spelling?), or as I like to call it You Gay No?. You Gay
No? is a dumbed down version of games like Magic, massively simplified
so it can be understood both through the haze of Japanamation,
and by the target audience of little kids with severe *mon infections.
One can only hope that Wizards of the Coast litigate You Gay
No? into oblibion.
FOX has a cartoon called "alienators" based on the
movie "Evloution". Evloution was a comedy... Alienators
is not. Sad that a show so tacky does not look that bad compared
to the compition. Fox also still has the stupid as fuck Power
Rangers on. I thought *mon put an ax in the black heart of Power
Rangers years ago
There is a cartoon on on FOX called "Ripping Friends".
Oh my god. This show does not just cross a line, it throws up
on it. In the episode I watched, some superheros(the "Ripping
Friends" I presume) had to fight a giant evil rooster...
called... the Ovulator. I am not making this up!. A villan called
the Ovulator.. on a childrens show. The Ovulator could shoot
eggs.. out of his ass. The amount of butt grabbing in the show
was off the scale.
Almost makes you long for the era of Harsh Realm
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