Happy Meal
September 24 2001 at 12:31 AM
Cyber Seduction (no login)
Gentleman, I wrote this last weekend and just now found it.
I was filled with quite a bit of alcohol at the time and saved
it in a weird place. It is a hell of alot funnier than it was
while I was writing it. I think you will enjoy it.
You know, there are a lot of things in this world that boggle
the mind. Like, why the hell does McDonald's give you those crappy
cardboard cups that disintegrate after the liquid has been sitting
in them for 3 minutes? And why the hell do they call it a Happy
Meal? It comes with a dinky order of fries, a shitty burger,
a too small drink in a gay cup, and a craptacular excuse for
a toy what the fuck is so happy about that?
And why I'm on the subject, what is the fucking deal with
the marshmallows in Lucky Charms? Have you ever tasted one of
those things? They taste like what would happen if a marshmallow
survived Hiroshima. These stupid ass kids have no clue as to
the health and social ramifications of actually eating the marshmallow's
namesake. Blue Diamonds, Red Balloons, Yellow Moons, Purple Horseshoes,
and my favorite Pink Hearts. Can you see some teenager in court
for murder and defamation of a corpse? They put him on the stand
and ask"Why did you eat that woman's heart?" and his
only response is "The Lucky Charms Leprechaun said it was
Ok." Fucking Corporate America.
And I swear to god, the next time I go to the store to get
both Cigarettes and Alcohol and the alcohol scans fine and then
they scan the cigarettes and ask for my I.DI am going to fucking
snap. It is ok for a potential minor to buy a 40 of Vodka but
it isn't ok for the same person to buy a pack of Marlboro's.
And do you know why that is? Because someone got a hair up their
ass about teenage smoking and got the easily gullible general
public to agree with them. I got a hair up my ass once about
stray cats shitting on our porch and all I was able to get out
of the general public was a restraining order. I think there
should be about ten people that are qualified to decide who the
stupid people are and kill them without fear of criminal charges.
And while I'm bitching, the next piece of fucking Spam I get
that is advertising a discount on what was a shitty product to
begin with because of the "Tragedy in New York" I am
going to hunt them down and shoot them to death with my pellet
gun. I swear to god, I have seen more fuck-offs using this event
to have a fucking sale. And why I am on sales Major electronics
stores (Best Buy, CompUSA, etc.) should have a list of people
that are nerds and they should be given the opportunity to buy
things before the masses have access to the stock. I am so sick
and tired of seeing something I want on sale and going to get
it in time to see the last one being sold to a bitch-boy wearing
Dockers and a Polo shirt from the Gap. I was going to get a webcam
this weekend. I saw the Sunday circular from Best Buy, went at
noon that same Sunday, and watched as a pimple-ridden saleboy
handed "David XP" the last one. What pisses me off
the most is that this punk is going to be yet another drone who
uses the webcam his daddy bought him to do nothing more than
chat. I'm sure he is hoping that his digital image will allow
him to find willing 12-year-old girls to fuck. Never mind the
contribution I would be giving to the Star Wars fan archives
with the Star Wars movie I was planning to make.
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