Hard Where?.
By Anubis
The teacher looked like a version of Steve Jobs that had not
yet ..umm... gone to seed. For this reason I derived great pleasure
from calling him Steve Jobs Lite behind his back. He was
not that bad of a teacher. But hehated macs. I mean he "really"
hated macs. And he knew from the first day that I was a macuser
because I tend to tell the teachers as soon as possible to explain
why, for example I know all about the IP addressing protocol
but I can not find out my own IP address under Windows. As it
turned out every other person in the class except for Fireman
could be a card carrying member of some neo-fachist anti mac
club. Let the good times roll.
There was this computer jock in the class. You all know what
a computer jock is, right? He was a jock that had learned a lot
about computers through his desire to play NFL Madden 2000 and
talk online to his girlfriends. He was a real ass. And he hated
macs more than anyone in the class, including Steve Jobs Lite.
Did I mention he was an ass? He slammed macs constantly while
talking about his 7 drive PC with the Voodoo 5 3D accelerator.
Hey, I got a place where you can shove that SCSI host adapter,
and it ain't no ISA slot.
An event that sticks out in my mind. The teacher,Steve,Jobs
Lite asked if anyone had a duel boot system. I told him
I had a DEC 100 with a duel processor 8086/Zilog Z80 running
CP/M 2.1 and DOS 1.0 off of a partitioned 5 megabyte hard drive.Everyone
looked at me like I was mad. It was one of my finest moments.
I used the classrooms resources for my own twisted purposes on
several occasions. One time we had to reformat all the computers
in the room to prepare us for a career in the IT department.
Apparently "Talk to the hand because I don't give a damm"
is not an acceptable thing for a CT to tell the typing pool,
no matter how many of them are pregnant STD carrying bimbos who
have been heard to say "What's a DOS" before. Anyway
during the clean install process I set the default homepage on
every computer I encountered to the Polycon Plugin website. Can
anyone say inflated webcounter?
Near the end of the class Steve Jobs Lite asked me if
I could bring in my powerbook so the class could see what a mac
looked like. I took him up on the offer and brought my powerbook...
and an ethernet cable. It took me about 30 seconds to figure
out that there was a DHCP server in the building somewhere so
within 2 minutes I was on Clark States T-1 line. That was enough
of a demonstration of my computer skills to make them stop bugging
me about using a mac. As a final blow I did a service scan for
port 23 (the telnet port), found an IP address on their network
that was listening, and connected to it with the IBM 3270 terminal
emulator (for that green screen "matrix" effect). At
this point they had lost track of what I was doing so it did
not matter that I did not even know what I had connected to or
what the commands were. All they saw was that green "matrix-ey"
text,they assumed I must be doing something pretty cool. I could
have been running a disk defragmenter and they would not have
known. If only I had had the presence of mind to bring a packet
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