Things That Piss Me Off.
By Cyber Seduction
I finally sat down and mad a list of ten things that piss
me off to no end. This list is in no order, everything here pisses
me off about equally. You wouldn't believe how long it took to
come up with 10 things that seriously fucking piss me off. Well,
maybe you would belive it Anubis.
1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.
I know where my watch is, buddy ... where the hell is yours?
Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the bathroom is, dipshit?
I didn't think so.
2. The Pillsbury Doughboy. He is way too happy, considering
that he doesn't have a Dick.
3. People who are willing to get off their ass to search the
entire room for the damn TV remote because they refuse to walk
to the TV and change it manually. I don't believe that a witty
comment is needed here because it is really not funny...it's
just sad.
4. People who think they are better than me. Ya know what
buddy, you may think you are better than me, but I have a couple
of huge fists attached to my arms that wish to argue your position.
Dumbfucking God Lord Clem.
5. When people say, "It's always the last place you look."
No shit, Sherlock. Why the hell would you keep looking for it
after you've already found it? Do people do this? Who and where
are they and why aren't they in treatment?
6. Slow Drivers. I'm not talking about the people that go
45mph in a 50mph zone...I am talking about the fuckstick snailmen
that drive 23mph down the fucking interstate. I seriously need
a sticker on my car that says: "Too Close For Missiles,
Switching To Guns"
7. People who ask, "Can I ask you a question?" Didn't
really give me a choice there, did ya buddy?
8. Clark State...all of Clark State. There is nothing like
a bunch of pretentious assholes learning from a bunch of illiterate
pretentious assholes.
9. Martha Stewart. I am still amazed that the drooling masses
religiously watch a show that teaches you to make Cross-Stitched,
Cat Hair Stuffed, Ornamental Grass Magnets with Elbow Macaroni
Accents. Why hasn't someone dragged that stupid bitch into the
street, doused her in a bucket of her homemade secret recipe
sesame oil, and set her on fire? Get me her address, I'll fucking
do it.
10. Chain letters! Who the hell thinks that by annoying other
people with stupid mail with no meaning, that you will be granted
a wish, or make your long-lost love fall into your arms, or have
your significant other perform oral sex on demand. Moreso, not
continuing a fucking email will never make my arm turn into a
B-Rate movie celebrity nor make my dick shrivel into a rutabega.
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