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|Forum|Articles|Review of Time Machine

By Anubis



I went to see the movie Time Machine the other week. And herein lies my situation. As you may well know, it is much harder to write a review for a good movie than it is to write one for a bad movie. If Time Machine had been a bad movie, my task would be easy, I could spend the next three paragraphs making fun of the movies many plot holes. But since Time Machine was a not a bad movie, I've got nothing here. I could try to write an entire review about it, but if I did that it would not be long before I started slamming the unnoticeable rendering error in Scene 42 just so I would have something to talk about. So Time Machine is a fairly good movie. I would recommend any sci-fi fan go see it. See? If I just do that, the review is completely lame, because it is only four lines long. So I guess I will have to think of something else to write about the movie.

Most people will go into this movie already having an expectation of what this movie is going to be about. Why? Because most of the world has either read the Time Machine book, or heard the basic gist of the plot from someone who has read the Time Machine book. For the three people in the known world who do not know the plot of the Time Machine book, it goes something like this: Man builds time machine. Man travels thousands of years into the future. Bad guys from the future called Morlocks steal time machine. Man fights Morlocks to get back time machine so he can go home. The end. Other than Morlocks and the presence of a time machine, the movies plot shares no similarities with the book.

The movies plot. The main character has a girlfriend. A mugger shoots his girlfriend. So he spends the next four years building a time machine so he can go back in time and save his girlfriend. He goes back in time, saves his girlfriend, only to have her killed in another way. He comes to the conclusion that for some reason, he can not change the past, so he decides to go into the future to figure out why. After traveling to several futures, he eventually gets to the time of the Morlocks. He gets a new girlfriend, fights the Morlocks leader, and blows up the time machine. The end. I was kind of annoyed when the movie first started that the scripter changed the book around so he could tack on the required B storyline, but in retrospect the new plot was much better for a movie than the original book plot would have been.

Are there plot holes? Of course there are plot holes. This is a movie about time travel after all. Everyone has preconceptions about how time travel is supposed to work, and they are all different, there is no possible way that the director could have plugged every single plot hole in a time travel movie. If you go into the movie knowing this, it is considerably easier to pay attention to the movie instead of wondering why the main characters failed attempt to save his girlfriend did not upset the space-time continuum. The acting in the movie? It was ok, I guess. Fortunately this was not a character driven movie, the title character is the time machine after all. All the time machine had to do was sit there and look shiny and expensive, and it played the part well. The effects were fairly good, with the exception of a few scenes showing a city hanging off the side of a cliff, the effects were realistic and fitting to the movie. So in closing I would say this is a movie worth seeing. There are many problems with it, but most people will be caught up in the movie enough that they won't care. Final score 3 out of 5



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