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Free Backgrounds, clipart, animated gifs

(from the maker of Worm's World)

All pictures are free to take (I'm not just showing off my collection)

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If you see something of yours, I'm really sorry, but I do only use the best. If you really object I'll take it off!



Animated Gifs

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Hi, Welcome to Worm Grounds, my name's Wormella, if you were bored enough, you may have come accross one of my many websites:

Worm's World | Princesses of Animation | Ministry of Silly Words

If you did, you poor thing.

Anyway, after years of surfing the web, terrorising message boards and yahoo clubs, building the pages and playing Neopets,
I thought I'd give back to the Web, hence my backgrounds and clipart, free to take, use, modify - whatever you desire!