Welcome to GLENN SPRINGER Vote Exchange Board!
WEEK OF May 7 - May 11, 2012
If you have 1 vote, vote for 1, if you have 2 votes, vote for 2. Vote for all if you want to.
Just click the "Vote Here" links, beneath each members name/banner.
If you are on Non Vote Exchange (NVE) competitions/team,
we will need the link to your OSVP page.
When you join my VE Board,
Please fill out the join form and sign up to the Yahoo Group.
If you did not sign up to the Group,
go up and put in your email. Thank You
This is a newsletter group only and this is where I will post anything that is related to the VE Board.
Any replies posted to the newsletter will go ONLY to
so you will not have tons of email from this group.
New Members
Emergency or loa
New member join forms need to be in before Sunday and Saturday at 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
When I receive your join forms I will put them up on Sunday and Sunday afternoon or sooner.
Please check to make sure they are right sometime after noon before 5:00pm on
Sunday and Sunday Night .
That way I can correct any mistakes you or I have made. Hugs