The ICOM IC-7600.
The ICOM IC-7000.
Station resources at GMØDBW
I have an all Icom station in which my IC-7600 is the prime mover. The station is complimented by the IC 7000. In addition there is dsp from the NEIM 1031 by bhi, a Datong FL2 Multi-Mode Filter FL2 and a B.N.O.S. 2 meter Linear.
Digital modes are provided for by the SignaLink USB interface.
Station software at GMØDBW
The station is managed by Winlog32 and for Digital mode transmissions MixW2.19.
Contests are provided for with Win-Test.
How many Ham Radio Operators does it take to constitute a pileup??
25 -- the callee, a callor, and 23 cops to tell em she's listening up!!