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Station Info


Qsl Info & On Line Log







First interest in radio was while I was still a music student at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London and living in Hertford. A trip down Tottenham Court Road produced the first receiver which was then connected to a full wave Windom on 80 meters. Listening was restricted to night time so an interest in 80 meter DX, was cultivated.

On moving to Aberdeen any form of station was hard to set up because of accommodation problems. However I was first licensed as GM6AXU on VHF and UHF and had lots of fun working friends in Aberdeen with occasional DX to the continent and Norway. In 1985 I passed my Morse and requested the callsign GMØDBW. Spent many a happy evening chasing DX of any kind on HF with GM4PVC (now VK6CPV) with talk back on VHF achieving DXCC very quickly.

In 1992 ran the first school link station between Linksfield Academy Aberdeen and School No 6 in Gomel, Belarus (before kid link) with the callsign GBØLAG where the pupils where permitted to pass “Greetings messages” to each other, this lasted for a month. (Thank you R.S.G.B.).

Life has moved apiece since then!!! I now have my HF and VHF station back “On line”.

Christmas Eve 2005 a much waited on (from February) IC 7000 arrived :-) One of the first in the UK!!! HF from 80 meters - 40 meters is connected to a Hustler 5 band vertical. I now have a ZX-Yagi MINI-2000 for 20 15 10 meters and its getting out very well!!!

I run VHF and UHF from the car and am to be heard on S22 from about 08.00 local on working weekdays. I still chase low band DX (mostly on 40 meters these days) any DX and also IOTA.

With thanks to all who helped me on the way.