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The Bordello

Welcome to the Bordello ♥....There are presently 20 rooms available (some you may access via the main ones) ♥....Please make yourself comfortable and enjoy your stay ♥

Please use the keys to get into the rooms

The Boiler Room

The Lounge

The Bar

The Boudoir

The Parlour

The Attic

The Garden

The Enchanted Forest


Back to The Bordello's Entrance

About The Bordello's owner ♥
(Everything you want to know about your favorite satanic barbie doll *winks*)

But for now... check out The Sexual Education of Baby Girl :)
(use the key to get in
and make sure you turn the volume up before)

Sasha's mind unveils at Facebook ♥

*I kiss girls*

Be proud of who you are... *winks*

The Bordello is best viewed when using Internet Explorer

You would like to contact me? Sure, and it's quite easy... You can join me through:

Windows Live Messenger:

Now come to me baby... ♥

Yes, I have a guestbook...
You're more than welcome to sign it and let me know how you feel...
it would definetely please me to hear from you *winks*

View The Guestbook
Sign The Guestbook


This site is about who I am... and what I am made of... Feed my fire or fuck you.

<BGSOUND SRC="/goth/SashaMess666/MidisForLeBordello/Blondie_Rapture.mid" LOOP=INFINATE WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=55>