So yea, with all this knowledge, start relicing, if you REALLY want to be any good at this game, the keys to success are basically: Relicing, learning to pk, knowing everything about zones, whereabouts of other players, and EQ'ing. Relicing is a must, a key to relicing is to do zones that have not been done for awhile, or harder zones that tend to scare away other hero's, or locked zones that require keys. Most of these zones happen to be CPK, so take caution when relicing them, or run them when theres no threats online. Its pretty crucial to know what other players are up to, if you're relicing, keep an eye on 'who -z' like a fucking paranoid grandmother in the hood. If other people are in the zone, it might be worth it to just recall. Or if its CPK, then you may have a chance at laying some traps and icing them. EQ'ing is a must in the game as well, its very hard to rely on buying eq, so EQ'ing is crucial, with canta around we'll all see plenty of it :p