Day 1

The social outcasts were left to fend for themselves at the gates of the most
forboding wilderness the would ever lay their black rimmed eyes on---Disney World.
They had come with only the clothes on their backs, and a comfort item to remind them
of the darkness they were leaving behind.

All at once, they were surrounded with foreign sites and sounds: laughter, joy,
butterflies...The local wildlife immediately proved to be menacing. Oversized ducks and
mice descended upon the group of black clad survivors immediately upon entrance.
The terrain was treacherous as well...filled with happy colorful things and occasionally,
dwarves. The group was broken in 4 clans in which they were to function and survive
the cruel wasteland of unbridled cheerfulness.

As everyone settled into their groups, it became obvious that surviving in such harshly
joyous conditions would be a stressful experience for this band of outcast goths. The
weather was brutal - radiant sunshine, gentle breezes, and not a cloud in the sky.
"Gawd, I'm in hell." said Angry Kitty, shading herself with a map of Epcot Center.

The goths were broken up into 4 clans...and immediately the complaining began. Amaranthia whined
"Tsk, why does this walking toolbox have to be in MY clan?" as she pointed to Deadbolt,
a hardcore rivethead who was trying to fend off Goofy's advancing attempts at hugs by
chucking screws at his head. Angry Kitty screeched about being stuck in a group with
two lame ass freaks, and why was she the only girl in her clan, and where is the *&&%?!
bathroom, and would somebody get her a cigarette.

DJ Rancor sneered at the endless happy music blaring from the park soundsystem and
hugged his Front 242 Headhunter Remix Box Set. Lord Scrofula hissed at the big, bright
sadistic ball of light in the sky and made sure his SPF 5000 was still working. Raiyn cried
bitterly for no apparent reason. Doomboy complained that nothing was on fire. Gothicknight
mumbled something about eternal suffering that was supposed to be poetic, but instead
was pathetic. Blackhole brooded and sang Manson Lyrics to his lunchbox. Hellmuncher
chanted backwards in Latin and announced to the group that the Dark Lord would
soon be upon them. Mickey Mouse then appeared with a hearty "ha-ha! Hey gang!" and
pointed everyone in the direction of their camps.

The search for food.....