DAY of the DEAD

Deadhead gathering

More dead have crossed the river styx on 10/13/2006

Behold!!!! More skull mischief below!!!!

DeadJim recently made contact with some of his beloved departed relatives. And he
didn't need a ouija board to do it. He took plenty of pictures during this touching family
reunion to share with you, so feel free to browse through his online family reunion album
below. DeadJim, Yorick, and many of their friends and relatives are still
visiting...although a few have decided to join the happy ranks of the Gothic Toybox.
Cromag-Yorick's cousin (15 times removed)has made his home here. Also staying with
Deadjim are his older brothers Gangrene and Sir Cough-A-Guy, as well as Gimp, Mombi, and
Squee---close friends of the family. All the family members agreed that the visitation has
been the best time they've had since their funerals. The body count reached around 198,
and while have some have come and gone again, many have decided to stay the summer
with DeadJim and Yorick.
See exclusive undercover pictures of the skulls crashing a party!

Witness the mysterious descent of the DEAD!

Here's DeadJim's Family gathered around, re-telling old tales of grime, dust, and mold. Ah, the memories.
It got crowded at night...there were only so many places to sleep.
Here's Gimp. He decided to be sea worthy and become a pirate. He's having a custom designed peg leg made for him.
When the older skulls are asleep, the youngins break out the liquor and have loud parties til dawn. This is before the game of strip poker.
Here is Danse Matrix during the skull infiltration. On this particular night, you had to be 200 and up to get in. They all seem to have over imbibed again, and are passed out from exhaustion.
I can't tell you how happy DeadJim's relatives were to meet me.
DeadJim and Yorick playing with their cousins. Note that while DeadJim is the runt of the litter, he still has the characteristic family smile.

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong.

These pictures were taken LIVE at Dan's party. His super secret skull-o-meter camera was set up and tracking the two footed little buggers who were hell bent on having a good time. Look at these shocking images!!!!

The camera caught their sneaky entrance. Notice DeadJim peeking in as the scout of the group.

DeadJim pronounces the way clear for his friends,who start piling in...totally unaware that their every move is documented.

They spread out in a defensive formation in case of being caught. They have strict instructions by their leader to play dead if spotted.

Here's yet another evasive they discuss strategies.

A dangerous trek across the planes of the bookcase was necessary to avoid catching the eye of the human party-goers. However.....

The closeness of one of the party-goers threatened the mission, and was dispatched in a group effort. Dangerous, but necessary.

Thanks to the acrobatic training in the secret skull service boot camp, they made a human (?) chain to hoist themselves up to the target.

Mission accomplished!!! The group survived without any casualties, and there were plenty of doritos and fig newtons to go around!
DAY of the DEAD
Well, when you're a skull with feet, everyday is the Day of the Dead. But, anyway......

I had a special Dia de los Muertos fiesta this past November. On this holiday, I'm told the mexicans gather in graveyards and have parties, bringing food and celebrating.

They believe the spirits of the Dead descend to eat the food and party with them....

And Lo and Behold....I was able to capture this very event on film at my own dinner! These photos are real folks! No trickery here!

Skulls are nocturnal by nature...and often take advantage of sleeping victims. while they do not suck blood, they do leave footprints on the couch that are hard to remove.
Some other recent skeletal encounters have yielded these shocking photos of skulls indulging in the secret world of the underwear drawer....
*Please note the shameless promotion of Razed in Black*
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