Inertia/Project X

May 4, Hex/The Mutiny, Chicago

Photos available in music review photo album

Next up was Inertia, hailing from London. While there were four band members in the
photos, only three were there to play for us. The lineup was Reza-vocals, Alexis-drums,
and either Ed or Eddie on the keyboard/sampler. I was impressed with the fact that this
band had a female drummer--rare indeed. Reza must have shared some expresso with
Project X because he was running all over the stage like a hamster on crack. I wonder what
the bands could have done if they were given a larger space to play in.

While I am not totally familiar with their songs, I can say after a listen to the CD that they
played Angel, Auto Erotica, and Contentment from off the Negative Prime disc. Once again,
very entertaining. The dance beats was easy to get lost in, the music was well produced and
rich with complexities. All three members contributed to vocals, although only Alexis did
lead vocals for Contentment. Maybe it was because I was in the front row, or maybe its
because Alexis was interesting to watch and she saw me looking...but by the end of the song
she was in my face, singing to me. EEEK! My eyes must have looked bigger than serving trays.
My boyfriend snickered at me. hmmph.

Inertia was a lot of fun and well received by the crowd that gathered in the smoky hole
of the Mutiny. They have a sophisticated style of composition, plenty of variety between
rhythm and melody, talent, and an infectious likeability. The members are fun, sassy, and full
of energy. Inertia to me is like the British version of Razed in Black, only without any guitars.

Overall, Inertia's music was superiorly written, but Project X was catchier than Inertia to
those who like really hard, danceable music. I did pick up Negative Prime after the set,and was very pleased by the disc. Inertia makes it home on the Cryonica label, which is also the new home
for Razed In Black's european distribution. I recommend either band show-wise and CD-wise
even if you've never heard them before.