The ever so wonderful Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel
Many people ask "What's with you and Rory Gilmore?". To answer this question I say "She is the greatest and I am in love with her.". Although must people either find this really funny or really creepy but I am in love with her. She may be older than me and currently be in Massachsettes shooting her staring role debut in a movie based on the children's classic "Tuck Ever Lasting". This movie will rock hard. I can confirm to you that the day it is out you will find me in a movie theatre watchin it. There is more to her than he incredible beauty and her acting skills. She is very fond of the sounds of Radiohead. She was born in Austin Texas, She started acting in local theatres at the age of 8, her first plays were "Our Town", "Peter Pan" and "The Wizzard Of Oz", Sheattended St. Mark's Lutheran Middle School, She went to some private high shool that I don't know the name of, She is currently enrolled in NYU majoring in film,When she's not working, Alexis enjoys writing, reading, photography, going to the movies and spending time with her family,She has a younger brother. Her favorite book is Cat's Craddle, her favorite shows on t.v are Ed & That 70's Show,her birthday is September 17, she is 5'7", she has blue eyes,brown hair, is currently single, sassy just like me.and she just all around rocks my socks to no end.

I wanna go back and I don't evan know how I got off the track