Dear Rivers,

You are a rockstar now. I read your nice little article is last months issue of Guitar World and was upset. The Blue album and Pinkerton are two of my favorite albums of all time. Then, Matt leaves and you make the Green Album. It was an alright album but compared to Blue and Pinkerton it sucks. You also said you did not want to be a geek anymore or be compared to Buddy Holly. A little late. If you didn't want that you should have avoided wearing plasic glasses, ugly sweaters, and most of all singing "Oo eee ooo I Look Just Like Buddy Holly". Next you said in repsonse to if you guys do after show meet and greets or signigs you said "Hell no! Fans are all just little bitches. They all want something" You disgust me. You are now a gigantic Rockstar Asshole. I hope you are happy. Without your bitch fans you would be a jackass working in Mcdonalds and not some arrogant rock star. By the way, Get a fucking razor. You look like a Lumberjack. Maladroit will suck. My respect for you as a person and as a musician has dropped incredibly.

Stop being an asshole

Eddie Dixon