1/19/01 Well last night went of very very well I was proud. For all of you who missed it you should be ashamed of yourselves you missed Katherine in a skirt and black tights and myself in purple fishnets which I thank Hunter very much for.

1/22/02 Ya well today definately sucked. Although I did see Katherine because her free period lined up with my lunch hour so that was good and then I came home and got to play Zombies Ate My Neighbors. After playing that I hit rock bottom on my laziness. I got tired of getting out of my bed to switch games in my nintendos so I took them off the nice little T.V. stand and put them on the table next to my bed. So now I don't have to get out of bed to switch games and there are a bunch of cords running across my room. About 1/2 an hour ago Mary brought me cookies and they rock my socks. But now I think I'm getting ill and it is raining. Damn it.

1/21/01 So last night Fitz and I watched Labyrnith and let me tell you David Bowie is a stud. After that I sat online for about 3 hours and watched the "Where are They Now?" on the cast of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and that was very good.

1/23/02 Well today I stayed home from school because I am sick and it sucks. I played Zombies Ate My Neighbors again and was stuck on "Invasion of the Wormoids" because you have to kill 2 gigantic wormoids to get the skeleton keys and that is damn hard. I watched Rocky Horror again and then I slept. Yesterday I forgot to say that Rocky Horror and Madness were in Gilmore Girls on tuesday. I think the producers of that show have cameras following me and they are basing the show around everything I like. Bjork, Rocky Horror, and wussy teenybopper problems. Coincidence? I think not.

1/28/02 Well it has been a while since I have updated but since then I went to the South City YMCA show with Matt and Ryan from SBW. The first band who played was The Graduation and they were pretty cool. Then Children's Audio played and they rocked the streets. After them More Like Winter did an acoustic set which was alright but they passed out cany conversation heats and dear god I had forgotten how gross those things are Next was Kid Tested Mother Approved and they were nothing special. Finally Squadcar played and they were a bunch of 40 year old metal heads and they were not too good.

1/26/02 Last night at Jessica's was very fun although most of the night Katelyn, Fitz, and myself sat in the corner it was very fun. We watched Mallrats and I pointed out where my grandpa was. Then we watched Velvet Goldmine but I had to go before it was over.

2/02/Last night and yesterday were really boring. I watched High Fidelity with my dad. Surprisingly he said it was funny. Ghost World Doesn't come out until tuesday so I was sad that they didn't have it. But Tonight I'm going to see the Royal Tenebombs which is supposed to be hardcore so I am excited.

2/8/02 God damn it has been almost a week since I put anything on here but in between I saw Slackers with Jessica, Meghan, and Erin which was fun although the movie wasn't anything special. Then the week was boring but big Gilmore Girls update. Brace your self. SUKIE AND JACKSON ARE GETTING MARRIED!!! OH MY GOD EVERYONE FREAK OUT!!!!!!!! I am very excited to see the wedding. I reneted Ghost World last night and it was damn good.

2/9/02 I rented Ghost World and Watched it with Fiddy Z. It rocked. It also reminded us of what we have been doing for the last seven years. I also got to listen to the Labyrinth soundtrack which if I do say so myself rocked my face off

2/11/02 Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Too Many Spouses. Doo Doo Doo Doo Do Getting Shot In The Dark. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Too Many Spouses

2/14/02 Well Valentines day definately sucks but my mom did make heat-shaped meatloaf for dinner. I got a 94% on my history test so I was happy. I made katherine a tape. I don't know if she liked it but I thought there would alteast be a few songs he would enjoy.

2/18/02 Alexis Bledel is on the cover of YM and I have it! I finally saw Army of Darkness and let me tell you it rocks my face off. I went to Sally T's to see Orb Vroomer and Tory Z Starbuck and that was awesome.

2/21/02 Yellow and Mystery Flavored jelly beans are one of the worst things on the planet. No one but Date Rapists and Serial killers like them. If you like yellow or mystery flavored jelly beans you are a sick individual.Also FUCK WITCHBLADE AND LOOK WHO'S TALKING NOW! BECAUSE OF THEM GILMORE GIRLS WAS NOT SHOWN THIS WEEK. The WB is getting a piece of my mind for this one.

2/20/02 I went to the mall on monday and noticed nothing but freaks and 11 year old girls go to crestwood mall. Any way I bought a new pair of fishnets and I was excited because they are like socks not just the big tights type kind. Gilmore Girls got cut so WB could show "witchblade". Who the hell wants to see that? If they don't show Gilmore Girls on Thursday I will get very upset.

Dear god! Hunter has signed my guestbook 14 times!!! That is wrong and annoying. Half the time she listen a fruit, a nut, or an animal instead of a vegetable. It's humor has gone out the

3/26/02 I have not updated in a long time so I have alot of bitching to do. First if a bomb went off in Crestwood Mall I don't think anyone but the mothers of the 30 year old losers that work in Suncoast and the mothers of 12 year old whores would be upset. Now don't get me wrong the guys in Suncoast are very nice but it would not be a big loss. Second FUCK GUILE. You know the toolbox from Street Fighter, Anyway I don't like having pansy army mother fuckers like him defending my country. They should euthanise him before I get my hands on him and his creators. Second Bullrog, the boxer guy from Street Fighter II. He would be an excellent charector except he has one major flaw. He can not kick. He does this wussy knee jab thing and it pisses me off. Oh yeah M. Bison sucks cock. Next Blockbuster is full of shit. I am running out of movies to see in that damn place. Alright I think that is all of the bitching I have to do for now.

3/19/02 I have decided ordering shoes over the internet, medecine,school, and annoying people need to be wipe from existance. I have nothing to update about. Fuck.
"After a painstakingly long set change, Halogen, withe sole KHS member Fitz Hartwig, freshman, took the stage.Taking a Marilyn Manson approach to music, Halogen split the crowd, causing have to leave and the other half to have the best time yet."

2/14/02 I obtained a copy of the Kirkwood High newspaper today and the show was reviewed.
2/9/02 Last night was awesome and it sucked more than anyother night. I started off well when Nick, Annie, and Devon came to my house to pick me up. Wew the went out to eat and back to Nick's. Annie showered Nick Devon and I sat in his computer room listening to spanish music. Then we went back to my house to pick up Fitz. I had gotten myself, Fitz, and Katelyn a ticket earlier in the day. Apparently Fitz had a problem with going and was calling my house a million times while I was at Nick''s. He also came to my house and waited around for an hour for me to return. I then talked to him and he seemed mad or upset with me, Anyway he said "I don't really feel like going tonight" which seems very unlike him on account of he has been freaking out of the show for a long time. So Fitz did not come with us leaving me with one extra ticket. Annie Nick and Devon were going to buy tickets at the door. Se we all drive down to the Creepy Crawl and get in line. I have Katelyn's ticket at this point so I am searching for her and she finds me first. She comes up and Devon is standing next to me. Devon and Katelyn do not get along anymore. So gave her her ticket and Annie, Nick, Devon, and I resumned our spot in line with Ryan Hissboowhatever from S.B.W. So the line moves a bit and then some one pops out of the Creepy doors saying "IF YOU DON'T HAVE A TICKET GO HOME, IT IS SOLOD OUT!!!" so Annie and Devon are thinking "OH FUCK I AM TICKETLESS!!!" but Nick had Fitz's ticket so he could still get in but he could not leave Devon and Annie in the parking lot because he drove them there so Nick had to take Annie home and run Devon back the school where his car was and then come back. So now I am thinking "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK I CAN NOT MISS THIS SHOW BUT NICK CAN NOT GO IN WITHOUT ANNIE AND DEVON, AND NICK IS GIVING ME A RIDE HOME!!!". So I start asking if anyone has a cell phone and luckily this very nice gentlemen behind Katelyn let me use his. So I now had to call my parents and ask them if they could pick me up and they were not happy aboot it. But then Katelyn's friend says she can give me a ride home. I then have to leave Annie, Devon, and Nick behing which I felt really bad. So I go in with Katelyn and her friends which were all really nice. Also before leaving my house the first time I remember to take my medicine so I do, but I forgot the new pill I have to take which is supposed to keep me awake because one of the others puts me to sleep for some reason that no one can answer. We stopped back by my house to pick up Fitz and this is when he said he did not feel like going. I had also remebered then to take the anti-sleep pill. Anyway we get a nice spot on the floor with only one row of emo kids infront of the stage. And let me tell you these kids were so fucking emo. Well it turns out these emo boys are The Graduation. Boy do they rock hard. We get our spot behind the emo boys and wait for about 45 minutes listening to bad rap music. Then Aveo came on. I was a bit scepticle of these boys but they rocked like a turtle on sunday. Thier singer/guitar player looked alot like Ted, Theodore Logan. Katelyn got picture. They played thier set which was very good. Then there was a wait and Deathcab came out. I was very very excited. I don't remember what the opened with but they played "We Laugh Indoors","Movie Script Ending","Photobooth", and a Dismemberment plan song which I though was really cool or them to do. The emo boys infront got really into it and started grabbing each other, singing to one onanother, and the guitar player kept on smaking his head, It was a humerouse. After I had finished dance and making a fool of myself I went to get some water. Water at the Creepy Crawl is $1 per cup. That sucks scrote. Then there was a wait a Dismemberment Plan came on. They also rocked like a turtle on sunday. I had only heard a few songs by them but they were quite the band to see live. Durring one song the started pulling people out of the crowd to dance on stage and I got up there and got the shake the Singers hand. I was very happy. They finished thier set but then did a rocking encore. The show was then over but we hung around for a bit while talking to the singer of Dismemberment Plan. He was very cool but a security gaurd kicked us out. Then we walked outside and it was raining. We went to the car and dropped of one person and then I got dropped off. I went home and got into my bed expecting to sleep. I sat there for 2 1/2 hours staring at my ceiling. I took that fucking pill too late in the day. So thinking that it would wear off soon and I could get some sleep I went downstairs and watched Wayne's World. Ya it didn't wear off. It was then about 4:00 A.M. I went and showered for 1/2 hour and then lay on my bed. I then got online and wrote this. Kill me, I want to sleep.

3/5/02 Christ on a unicycle I have not updated lately!! well the show last saturday went well, Katherine wore bondage pants and a tube top. Anyway, although Boaz beat us I wasn't too upset. Tonight on Gilmore Girls Rammstein was played. My wall in tribute to Jessica is now complete ever since I found a piece of her hair on my bed. That is all

2/23/02 Dear god! Hunter has signed my guestbook 14 times!!! That is wrong and annoying. Half the time she listen a fruit, a nut, or an animal instead of a vegetable. It's humor has gone out the window.

2/23/02 Wow did I have a hoppin' Friday night. It started with the regular trip to the local Blockbuster were I rented "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre", then Fiddy Z came over and we sat on my bed for awhile and then noticed the box of sidewalk chalk I had purchased when we went to the mall to buy fishnets last monday. We got the chalk and walked out of my house and went to a girl's house that Fitz knows. We started drawing on her driveway and in about 15 minutes had the whole thing covered. Then about 30 seconds before we were aboot to leave the girl pops her head out of a window and says "HI FITZ!!" and then her mother pulled in the driveway and we ran away. Then we came home and made oatmeal that did not taste good.


Take me me home