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Guidlines For Messages


This is For Wiccans, Pagans, Witches, Druids to share knowledge, Websites and any related information.....and to ask questions etc...
Please keep all words clean. and be respectful of others. Read about the Wiccan Rede and about treating others as you would like to be treated.
If you wish to chat to like minded people.... Do you have Paltalk Chat Software? If not got to download the software and then once created id etc.... click on Rooms.... then Religion and Spirituality, Wicca then if "Spiritual Journey" is not there you may find me in "Wiccan World"..... sit back, enjoy the music, or the chat's, listen to what is going on, ask a question if you wish, and listen to the advice you are given.... these are People from The Global Wiccan Community ( and have alot of knowledge to share.......Please do not ask for a reading....Pyschics, Mediums, Clairvoyants and readers go into the chatrooms to relax, chill out, not to be pestered..... Please respect their free time...
...Thank You.....
Vestalagoddess (Paltalk id)......

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