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Crystal Ally Cards

Using Crystal Ally Cards

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WElcome to info about....

The Crystal Path to Self Knowledge

By Naisha Ahsian
Crystal Istitute
Alot of great info inregards to working with Crystals, definately recommended to check it out if interested in knowing more about the Crystal Ally cards.....

I use this deck in working with the Chakras.... after doing a reading with my Native American Tarot and Sacred Path Cards, The Crystal Ally Cards, give the client the Crystal they may need to help them on their Spiritual Journey, also the affirmation they need to say each day to create changes within their life and this card also gives the client insight into what is happening within their life right now.....Also may give the client information in regards to which Chakra they need to work on at this time.... is it over-active or feeling alittle blocked, stagnant....

The cards are great to be used in a meditation.....
Take one....
Look at for 30 seconds
Then close eyes and gently breathing
and visualize the card infront of you,
feel yourself stepping into this card
How does it make you feel?
What do you see?
What do you hear?
What do you smell?
What can you touch?
Talk to any Characters or items in the card?
What is the message they have for you?
When you are ready....
Visualize yourself absorbing the colour
the properties of the Crystal,
of the Element.. within?
How does it make you feel?
When you are ready step back outside of the card
Gather any excess energy you are feeling within your hands
Transmute to purple
flick into the universe
saying "For the Good of All, so mote it be!"
and stamp your feet 3 times
This ensures you stay grounded after the meditation (Visualization)

Any info required please email me.....