Optional Materials: [only use one of the two]
Instruction Set #1
1.) Assemble all of your materials.
2.) Thread your needle with about two feet of thread and knot the end [if you need to re-thread, that's fine, just tie off the coin you're on and start like you will in the beginning].
2.) Find the close edge of the bra. It's easiest if you find a bra with an "edge line", or a definate line you can sew along so your line is straight [also make sure that it is low enough so the coins will dangle off the bra]. Stick the needle through the inside of the bra and pull it through until it reaches the knot.
3.) Take out one of the gold/silver coins and string it on the thread.
4.) Stick the needle through the same place again, making one loop around the coin. Make it loose enough for the coin to move fairly easily but still secure!
5.) Do this several times [about 3-5 depending on thread thickness].
6.) Knot the thread through the stiches you have already made.
7.) Stitch into the bra a little ways away from your first sewed coin, creating a little gap from where you'll sew the new coin. Make sure you lay the coin on the bra before sewing it on following the above directions; the coin needs to touch a little for there to be sound!
8.) **Make sure that you sew your coins slightly loose! this is very important, because if the coins are too tight they will not move! If you mess up on one or a few and don't notice until you've finished, don't fret; the knots that you made are so if you mess up you can cut a coin off and redo it and not mess up all of the others. ;)
Additional: You can also do several rows of coins for an extra bang! Looks great, although it is a bit more work.
Optional Instructions
1.) Get that needle out and thread it again!
2.) Thread your needle with a bit of thread; only enough to cover one strip!
3.) Scrunch the top of the mesh strip a little bit at the top and put under bra where you want it.
4.) Side-stitch through bra and mesh to attach.
5.) Once you've finsihed your first one, repeat, moving down about 2-3 inches before placing another!
Total estimated cost: $20 regular instructions, $30 with optionals added.
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