EPIC; CRUSADE FOR EUROPE; STURMGESCHUTZ IN KONIGSBURG 1945. Greetings fellow tankers! This will be a special feature about one specific model in particular; A SturmgeschutzIII C/D long barreled saukopf gun mantlet 75mmL/48 ; Ever since dragon released this kit in 1/35scale a couple of years back; I always knew I just had to build one in 1/15 scale,I did my research and probably just a handful of these vehicles were probably converted in the last desperate battles of the war; a few left over Stug’s III C/D short barreled vehicles on repair since the invasion of the soviet union in 1941 were fitted with these long barreled 75 mm guns in order to stop the gigantic flood of Russian JS II and SU 152 heavy tanks in the desperate days of 1945; the concept worked and these rare and final versions of the famed Stug’s accounted for themselves magnificently punching holes and knocking out dozens of Russian heavy tanks in the epic battle of Kingsburg (fortress Konigsburg); These young gallant crews manning these Stug’s knew that the destiny of their European Continent was at stake; they would volunteer their lives to fight communism to the end; For the Kremlin and the rulers of communism it was a unique opportunity to communize Europe; The Bolsheviks were preparing themselves to be the executioners of the capitalist world while it was agonizing; Russia was letting Europe destroy itself in a war of attrition; Soviet Russia’s real intent was to come into the war the moment the western powers have annihilated each other; The soviets were preparing to get ready and to move in and pick up the pieces after western Europe had been bled white; The 1939-1945 war in western Europe defied all reason and comprehension; It was a civil war among those that should have been united; it was a Monstrous Stupidity!!; the real world threat was Communism!! The allies sold Europe out in Teheran; Yalta; and Potsdam; They cravenly capitulated to the soviets; they delivered Half of the European Continent to communist slavery!! They let the rest of Europe disintegrate morally; with out any ideal to sustain it; This is the story of this Stug III C/D in Konisgsburg ; These last defenders of European culture and western civilization knew what they wanted; they had seen that Europe was critically endangered; great common effort was imperative; They had seen and grasped the magnitud of building a united Europe; that Europeans would be federated as equals; European unity was to be achieved through harmony; for them; this was the birth of Europe; they lived the epic ; it was a tragic epic; they fought for the True Europe; the Europe of ideals!; the Europe of 2000 years of culture!!, if these tankers showed us how to die in these tanks ; than we building these tanks in 1/15 scale will teach ourselves how to Live!; The Greatness and the Heroism; in this century of materialism; My Models stand out as a shining light; check it out; Thank God we just build and run these tanks for hobby and fun!!; lets keep on tanking ; t’ill next time ROBERT “PANZER BARON ’’ MC GUIRE