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Tracks Covered...

I will try to get screen shots to go with this "glitch guide" which will make it easier but for now try to figure it out for ur self :p


Just after the 1st (and only) hairpin u go along the fast straight which leads to a right hand bend and to a small right hand curve just after this curve there a left hand bend and in front of that left hander is a chicken-wire fence which u will notice is warped and bent,hit the section of fence to the left of the warped section and presto u miss out about 15seconds of track u should end up facing the fence on the opposite side,remember and turn to ur left not the right!! the large WRONG WAY "X" will appear...ignore it and keep going for an xtremly quick lap!


There are 2 glitches on this track that i know...

1:Start the race and enter the pit lane from the wrong end now go to the furthest away "garage" and hit the right hand wall slowly so ur bike lands in the back right hand corner,now that ur through the wall drive through the red&white tent and u should end up further round the track (does not count towards ur lap time thought this is just fir showing off)

2:There are 2 ways to do this... 1:Get a couple of mates and ride to underneath the bridge,now 1 of u sit front wheel against the right hand wall and 1 of u sit in the gravel at the left hand side,now the person who is left does a lap like normal except upon reaching the bridge slam into the right hand wall sliding ur bike into ur mate facing the wall now the mate in the gravel slams into ur bike pushing u thru the wall and half way round the track on top of the bridge,complete ur lap for another great lap time! 2:Do the same as above except leaving out hte other 2 players just slam into the right hand wall of the bridge (alot harder to pull off but alot less fucking around)


Similer to the first SUZUKA glitch...start ur race and turn into the wrong end of the pit-lane,turn into the 1st garage you see and hit the rear wall so that ur bike lands in the rear right hand corner,u should be glitched most of the way round the track to the hair pin! (again doesnt count towards lap time)


2ways of doing this one... 1:At the chicane turn onto the grass to ur right and head towards the blue fence,hit the fence roughly on the 2nd fence post from the corner so that ur bike land in the corner between the fence and the tire wall u should go through the wall facing the fence and completly miss out the chicane and the two hair pins turn round,complete ur lap & get yet another great lap! 2:Do exactly the same as aboce but instead of hitting the fence reverse into the corner and try to glitch ur way through (wheel spinning etc...)


Ok this doesnt help with ur lap time,infact it doesnt help at all :p but its funny! On the 1st hair pin turn round and head towards dirt wall hit it at an angle as if u were trying to get up on the tire wall,u should completly miss the tires,fall through the grass and into the sky while ur bike manages to hit about 500mph lol!



Take a look at how sum GLITCHES are done...

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