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STARWARS galaxies

this game is gonna be AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A massively multiplayer online RPG (MMORPG)
players will be able to pick a wookie..any WOOKIE,
or one of seven other familiar StarWars
 characters and customise then
to create a unique online persona! 
(pso type thing but more advanced!)

Players will take on an "online life" by chooseing jobs
such as running a shop or a becoming a bounty hunter 
(woohoo kill ppl with getting banned!! grrr@pso!)
Also due for release on Playstation2 But why hell would u want to play it on that!!? no hard drive! shitter graphics!

  • Developer: Lucasarts
  • Publisher: Lucasarts
  • Realease Date: Spring 2003


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