Michael "bug" Cox
Birthday: August 31st
Sign: Virgo
Status: Girlfriend
* Mike drives one of these new black volkes wagon "bugs".
* Mike finished High school early and went right into playing drums in Coal Chamber.
* Mike right now has light blue hair and brown eyes.
* Mike has 3 pug dogs. Two are a fawn.... the smaller one is named Shozzy and the larger one is named Keroppi. The third one is black and named Olive. Shozzy stays home, but Keroppi and Olive go on tour with Mikey.
* If Mike was going to reincarnated as an animal, he would be a chinchilla. He says they are pretty lazy, but they're cute, and the girls like them!
* Mike loves sushi and can't get enough of it! He would even move to Japan to get more of it.
* Mike spent most of his free time during the recording of "Chamber Music" with Kristyn (his girlfriend) in New York.
* Mike tattoos are tour diaries. He likes colorful, simple tattoos.
* One of Mike's tattoos is a squid with the initial "K" for Kristyn and both of their birth signs. "It's a symbol of my love" Mike said.