This are the ways in which you can type something and the bot will obey your commands...
Pay attention to the details, or you might be ignored. Unless you use the right word, the slave won't follow orders.
For character descriptions:
!setdesc charactername description (it sets your character's description)
!desc charactername (it shows you the character's description)
Vitae and Will Power:
!bp charactername <-> amount reason
!wp charactername <-> amount reason
ie: !wp Lord_Thomas - 1 to gain extra dice
The !bp and !wp commands allows you to change the Blood and Will Power pools of your own characters, by subtracting a certain amount of points as you spend them in play.
In order to review the vitae and wp of a character, you can use the !char command.
Dice & Rolling:
In order to make a roll you have to type the following command in the channel the even is happening:
!roll <Dicepool> reason
ie: !roll 5 to jump out of the window
This commands are to be typed only in the #Hogs_Head channel, they will not work in any other channel. All you have to do is add any of these sentences in your posts:
.- Want to order a drink
.- Can I have the bill
.- Could I get some water
.- Do you have any matches
.- What time is it
.- I'm bored
.- Paytab
.- Thank you Karl
.- It stinks
.- Here is a tip
.- !Order <drink name>
.- !Karl
(for creation and submission rules)
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(links to this page with all the bot's commands)
Commands for the Bot on the main OOC channel: