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Links .... No bullshit here, just links to some 30 sites that I found offer the best and funniest free downloads for poser (sometimes for MaX).

3D Commune link
3DModelz link
Bat Lab link
Billy Factory link
Dendras link No need to introduce Dendras
Digital Babes link
Digital Dream Girls link
Digital Love Doll link
Duane's Toybox link
Ghastley link Good cloth
Elysium link
Kozaburo link Hair, hair, hair...
Male Poser link It's not my kind of lifestyle, but the site is nice and they really have some nice artwork and downloads.
Mitch 3D link
Moxie Graphix link
Phil C link
Plazio link Latexa ... sometimes Plazio makes it unavailable, why are you so cruel, Plazio ?
Poser Girls link
Poser Resource Sites in the World link OK, site in Japanese, so you need to a Japanese girlfriend to understand what you click, but plenty of resources and inspiration.
Posette's Paradise link
Renderosity link
Renderotica link
Rubio link
Thralldom link Definitely my favorite. Excellent artwork, nice props.
Toshi link
Weiser 3D link
Wicked Womyn link
Winscape 2000 link Excellent (the best) free body textures