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Andromeda Fanfiction - Mixed Het/Femmeslash

'Dancing Lessons' Series

     Rating: varied - from PG through NC-17

     Summary: Various unrelated clubbing vignettes

     Warnings: See individual stories...

DROM Demi-Drabbles

     Rating: varied - from PG through NC-17

     Summary: Respones to my friend Eiluned's 50-word Opening Sentence challenges.

     Warnings: See individual stories...

DROM Snippets

     Rating: varied - from PG through NC-17

     Summary: Various Andromeda snippets

     Warnings: See individual stories...

'Private Education' Series

     Rating: NC-17

     Summary: Rommie undertakes a study of human sexuality.

     Warnings: See individual stories...

The Prank

     Rating: R

     Summary: Harper pulls a prank that backfires...

     Pairings: Beka/Rommie, Beka/Rommie/Harper, Beka/Rommie/Dylan

     Warnings: Sillyfic; also, femmeslash ahoy.... (You know the drill....)