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Title: "No."
Author: Margaret Brown, aka Andromeda Valentine
Fandom: Andromeda
Pairing: Dylan/Rommie
Rating: PG
Status: New
Archive: Yes to list archives, anyone else please ask first.
Feedback: Yes, please!!
E-mail address for feedback:
Series/Sequel: None, though hopefully I can incorporate this into something longer eventually.
Other Websites: Crimson Redd -
Disclaimers: Not mine, as usual - the should-be lovebirds belong to Tribune...

Summary: One regretted word changes everything...

Notes: This is just something that popped into my head and wouldn't go away - one of the usual 5am visits from my Muses. I hope to use it in something larger, eventually...

Warnings: Angst ahead...



The word fell between them like a wall, and Dylan watched the last vestige of hope in Rommie's eyes flare, sputter, and die. She looked stricken for a long moment, face pale as she stared at the floor, but then she gathered her tattered pride around her like armor and walked away silently, head high, back straight.

Dylan sank to the floor after the doors closed behind her, suddenly wanting nothing more than to go after her and do something - anything - to take back that hateful word and make it disappear.

God, what had he done...?