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Title: Wasted Emotion
Author: Margaret Brown, aka Andromeda Valentine
Fandom: Andromeda
Pairing: Tyr/Rommie
Rating: R
Status: New (02/23/03); complete
Archive: Yes to list archives, anyone else please ask first.
Feedback: Yes, please!!
E-mail address for feedback:
Series/Sequel: None
Other Websites: Crimson Redd -
Disclaimers: Not mine, never will be...

Summary: "Regret is a wasted emotion..."

Notes: Just a little drabble that popped into my head... I believe Tyr voiced the line "Regret is a wasted emotion - or so I keep telling myself." or something very like it in the ep Angel Dark, Demon Bright...

Warnings: None


Regret is a wasted emotion, he tells himself. She could never give him a child, no matter how ingenious the design of her body, and that leaves her no place in his larger plans. If Kodiak Pride is to be reborn and its betrayers destroyed, he can't afford this deviant fascination with someone who isn't even flesh and blood.

So he burns in silence, as he watches her grow closer to the one man he could never bear to see her with. And when he comes shaking from dreams of crimson-streaked hair and amber eyes, he tells himself one thing...

Regret is a wasted emotion.