Author's Notes: These are in response to Eiluned's ongoing demi-drabble challenges - 50 words exactly, starting with a particular phrase or sentence. My word count is via Microsoft Works 2000 Word Processor, and I never count 'a,' 'an' or 'the,' so they may not add up to 50 words exactly if counted by hand.

The various demi-drabbles will probably cover a wide variety of genres, scenarios, and ratings, as well as pairings. I write femmeslash (a lot) so you can expect to see quite a bit of it - the pairings and (when necessary) ratings of each demi-drabble will be indicated in the chapter titles.

Also - I've seen maybe 4 full epsiodes of Mutant X, so my characterization may be a tad off. I was just *too* consumed with the rampant slashiness that is Emma/Shalimar to wait until I've seen more...


"Holy shit - you're a virgin?!"

Emma, blushing, just laughed. "Don't tell Brennan. He'll get even more overprotective."

Shalimar turned to watch Emma, brown eyes flashing golden for an instant. "We could fix that, you know."

Emma smiled and stared back at Shalimar, her blue eyes glinting. "Yeah, I bet we could..."

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