4.01 - "Little Blue Planet"

Written by Paul Donovan

Transcribed by Sarcasmagoria (Cassie)









Michael McManus as Kai


Xenia Seeberg as Xev


Brian Downey as Stanley H. Tweedle


Jeffrey Hirschfield as the voice of 790


Tom Gallant as the voice of the LEXX


Nigel Bennett as Prince



Also featuring:


Chas Lawther as President Jeffrey Davison

Rolf Kaines as Reginald J. Priest

John Pearson as Cobra

Michael Sachs as Ridolan Simenovic

Alexis Conran as Moustapha Al Hambra

Julia Moore as Dr. Truro

Jim Swansburg as Commander Bricklin

Giovanni DelVecchio as Guglielmo Marconi




Ryan Cooley as Digby, the little kid hanging from the wall




This is a (more or less) word for word transcript of the episode. My (sometimes extraneous) comments are in [brackets]. I'm not familiar with the layout of a script, so please be gentle.




[The show opens with communications icon Guglielmo Marconi and two none-too-brights on a snowy beach in Newfoundland. The year is 1901, and Marconi is planning to test his latest invention - the radio]


Marconi: It's too slow! Idiota! It's too low! Bring it up!


Goombah #1 [who looks a lot like Lex Gigeroff, but isn't]: Fine weather we're having, Mr. Macaroni, eh?


Marconi [peeved]: Marconi. Macaroni's a pasta.


Goombah #1: Whatever you say, Me Ducky --


Marconi: Macaroni--! Batteria...connect the batteria!!


[Marconi taps out a bit of Morse code, and in response we hear faint static and chirping]


Santa Lucia! Today we make historia!! [Laughs and throws his hat into the air]


[The camera pulls back further and further, out of the Earth's atmosphere and out into space, past the moon, past Mars...okay, if you've seen "Contact" - which this scene is clearly spoofing - you get the idea.


It appears that Marconi's victory may have doomed the Earth, for outside the Milky Way; a really big ship is waiting. This ship appears to be an antenna studded, engine-propelled asteroid that from here on in shall be referred to as the Potato of Doom (PoD) until its proper name has been revealed. The PoD lights up and begins drifting slowly toward the Milky Way.


Cue pitifully truncated opening credits and break for commercial]



[The next scene opens with a phalanx of official-looking black vehicles and police cars speeding down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC in "the very near future." They speed past some familiar landmarks toward the entrance to an underground tunnel. The tunnel leads to the super secret headquarters of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.


A group of people - including US President Jeffrey Davison (who has obviously been trading hairstyling tips with Bill Gates) - is scanned and boards an elevator, which takes them to a meeting room deep underground. There they are greeted by Prince (Nigel Bennett).


Yes, boys and girls Prince is back, minus the lip ring and cool overcoat and plus a very powerful position in the Federal government. On Earth he's known as Isambard Prince, director of the ATF, although one must wonder how he rose to such power after literally dropping out of the sky one day, as we in the US choose our power brokers with a little more care. We have a raffle or something.


Anyway, moving on...]


Prince:  Mr. President, last Tuesday ATF agents working at SETI, a civilian organization that searches for extraterrestrial intelligence reported that a 12-year-old boy from Sulphur, Louisiana [cut to Digby, hanging on the wall about 200 feet up] - ostensibly as part of a school science project - called SETI headquarters to report that he had spotted a large, self-propelled unidentified object in the vicinity of the Earth's moon. Do not be misled by feelings of sympathy for this boy, Mr. President, he is likely part of the greatest threat the human race has ever faced.


The discovery of extra-terrestrial life in the Earth's vicinity automatically triggered the Haig-Schliefen Plan and the ATF went into immediate action. We eliminated all personages employed at SETI along with their relatives and acquaintances and we destroyed their headquarters building. The FBI effectively credited this action to religious fanatics and our news organization - with the exception of a few insignificant journalists - effectively bought the deception. As per the plan, any potentially suspicious journalists were eliminated by the CIA.


I think we should congratulate the FBI, the CIA and the boys at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms on a job well done.


[Everyone at the table claps, as Prince looks smug]


Davison:  Remind me, what is the Haig-Schliefen Plan?


Prince: The secret legislation authored by Senators Haig and Schliefen which you signed into law last year. They agreed to forget that little unpleasantness with the French ambassador's daughter.


[Davison clears his throat and simpers]


Prince: Mr. President, a communication has been arranged between you and the aliens. It's due to start at 0900 hours, that's in exactly 37 seconds.


Davison: But I'm not prepared for that! You know I never speak without my--


Prince: Don't worry, Mr. President. All possible answers have been carefully authored by our best scientists and philosophers. Just follow the reply cards. Do not say anything that is not on the cards, the fate of the Earth is in your hands.


Do not be misled by outward appearances, Mr. President [Stan the Man's lovely mug appears on an overhead monitor], these aliens are more advanced that we are and can likely display themselves in ways calculated to make us lower our guard. Stick to the cards.


Stan: Okay...so. You're there, we're here. What's the deal?


Davison [smiling fakely and reading from the cards]: We are a benign species, opposed to interplanetary conflict and believe in equal opportunity for all beings regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation or planet of origin.


Stan: That's nice. Let's start over, okay? I want you to tell me what the people on your planet are gonna do to make Stanley H. Tweedle a happier man.


[Davison mumbles and looks to Prince for guidance]


Prince: Stick to the cards, Mr. President. All possibilities have been anticipated. Do not deviate from the cards.


Davison [to Stan]: Congratulations on your birthday.


Stan: How do you know it's my birthday?


Davison: We look joyfully forward to sharing the many benefits of our combined knowledge.


Stan: Huh? Look. I don't know when my birthday is and I don't think you do either, okay? Whatever. Let's get down to some real business here. I want to know about your planet. Why would a guy like me want to go down there? Huh?


Davison: Tell us about your species. Are you friendly?


Stan: Yeah, very. Under the right circumstances, you know what I mean? You see, I'm a man, like any other man...


Prince: Stick to the cards, Mr. President.


Stan: ...and interested in the finer things life has to offer. Especially warm, cuddly, smoochy things. You know what I mean.


Davison: Our planet is decaying in its own filth and is best avoided by all aliens.


Stan: Look, pal. I don't know what you're going on about, except that it doesn't make any sense at all. What I want is a place with nice beaches, good food and open-minded, interesting attractive women, and not a whole lot else. So start helping me out here. Make this work for me.


So buddy, or President of something or other, or whatever you are, I think you should know. I'm Stanley H. Tweedle, captain of the most powerful destructive force in the Two Universes, and I've blown up plenty of planets. And if I don't start getting a little more cooperation from you, I'm gonna use your little blue planet for target practice!


Davison: We have the capacity and the will to defend ourselves aggressively against any and all unfriendly alien intrusion.


Stan: Oh yeah? Well if that's the way you want it, fine by me! I've had enough attitude from you. This conversation's over.


[Monitor fades to static]


Prince: The Earth is clearly threatened, Mr. President. It's time to put the full Haig-Schliefen into effect. [pushes a document over to Davison to sign]


Davison: I prefer to use my lucky pen if you don't mind, Isambard.


[pen runs out of ink]


Prince: Here, try my lucky pen.


[Back on the LEXX, Stan is apoplectic]


Stan: I mean it! There are good planets and there are bad planets and THAT is definitely not a good one! I think the whole universe would be far better off without it.


LEXX! Blow up that stupid blue planet! Well, just...just...[slaps ineffectively at the template] just blow it up! Blow it up! [Xev approaches and touches his arm] Get off!


[Xev steps smugly up to bat and places her hand on the template]


Xev: LEXX, could you blow up that planet if I asked you to?


LEXX: Yes I could, Captain. I could blow up any planet you want. That is what I do.


Xev: Thank you, LEXX. But we will not blow it up...yet.


Stan: How come you still have the key to the LEXX? Huh? I'm the captain, and I think I should have the key back right now. [Xev wiggles her fingers, letting the key show itself]


Kai! Kai, don't you agree with me? I am the captain and I should have the key back.


[Kai is wisely staying the Hell out of this]


Xev: Well as we all know you can only get the key from me if I'm at the extreme edge of sexual ecstasy...or the very edge of death, neither of which is about to happen right now.


790: Kill the bitch, Stan! The security guard can become captain and blow up the planet and Kai and I and Kai can sail off together on a slut-free voyage.


Kai: In my memories I have but limited knowledge of this universe. However, I believe that this planet is at the very center of the darkest part of the Dark Zone. It may be advisable to leave the vicinity as soon as possible.


Stan: Okay, that's enough for me. Xev, come on, just blow up the stupid planet then we can go some place else and find ourselves a nice planet.


790: It makes little difference whether or not you destroy this planet. It is a classic type 13 planet, which typically destroys itself at this stage of its development.


Xev: How?


790: Sometimes through war, often through environmental catastrophe. But more commonly, a type 13 planet is inadvertently collapsed into a pea-sized object by scientists attempting to determine the mass of the Higgs boson particle.


Kai: Xev, ask the LEXX how long it will take him to reach the nearest...other solar system.


Xev: LEXX, how long will it take you to reach the next solar system?


LEXX: I do not know. I was only able to eat a few small rocky bites after I blew up the desert and water planets, and they were not very tasty. I am still very hungry, so I cannot go very fast.


Kai: The LEXX has very little power reserve remaining. It could take hundreds of standard years to reach the next solar system, and even if he shuts down fully, he may not be revivable once we arrive.


790: It's obvious. The slut and the security guard should go down to the stupid planet and join the other lowlifes, and the robot head and the corpse he lusts after will stay up here on the LEXX forever and ever.


Kai: The next solar system may or may not have the digestible organic material the LEXX needs. This one clearly does.


[Commercial break. Then on to a scene inside a prison where Cobra, a handsome serial killer is being led to the electric chair.]


Executioner: Any last words, Cobra?


Cobra [in a hilariously fake accent that sounds like a cross between Dracula and Natasha Nogoodnik by way of Father Guido Sarducci]: Yes, would somebody please clean my fingernails, they're filthy. They're filthy!


[Executioner takes a handkerchief from the guard and cleans Cobra's nails]


Cobra: The pinky.


[Executioner uses guard's pocketknife to clean out under Cobra's pinky]


Cobra: Thank you.


[Executioner goes to the switch, and almost throws it (in fact he gets a little zap in) before the phone rings. And not a moment too soon, as Cobra was about a microsecond away from Crispy Critterhood. The guard answers the phone.]


Guard: Yes it is...yes...yes sir. [hangs up]


Executioner: The governor?


Guard: No, the ATF.


Executioner [looking disgusted]: the ATF.


Guard: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.


[Cobra is dragged into an interrogation room where Prince and Davison are waiting.]


Davison: Are you sure about him?


Prince [who must have left his American accent in his other pants]: Cobra is the most psychotic killer on the planet, and therefore perfect. [To Cobra] Mr. Cobra. Is that how you like to be addressed?


Cobra: Just Cobra.


Prince: Cobra. Well, you have two choices, Mr. Cobra. You can either go straight back into the electric chair and be executed for your many crimes or you can save the human race by assassinating its most dangerous enemy.


Cobra: What's the deal?


Prince: The deal is that you will be sent up in the space shuttle to intercept an enemy alien spacecraft. You will then board the craft and kill the crew.


Cobra: I don't know how to drive the Space Shuttle.


Prince: Think of it as a taxi. NASA pilots will be doing the driving. All you have to do is what we all agree you're very good at doing: the killing.


Cobra:  What's my reward?


Prince: Certain death. It's a one-way mission. The shuttle will use all its fuel to get to the alien craft. There will be no return journey. The only payment will be your opportunity to do more maiming, mutilation and murder before entering oblivion yourself. There's room on the shuttle for three more men. Black Berets, CIA Special Ops, Vaticanos...anyone you want.


Cobra: I need only two men. Moustapha Al Hambra and Ridolan Simenovic.


Prince: And where might one find these two gentlemen?


Davison: Half the CIA is on Al Hambra's trail in Afghanistan.


Cobra: That's Mohammed Al Hambra. Moustapha Al Hambra is a manicurist in Boston. Ridolan Simenovic? He's my personal trainer.


Prince: So, do we have a deal?


[cut to stock footage of the Space Shuttle taking off. On board are Cobra, Ridolan, Moustapha and two Red Shirts named Bricklin and Truro.]


Bricklin: Green lights all the way, Houston. We're on our way to the moon.


Houston [on the radio]: Godspeed, Mission Light Brigade. We are with you all the way.


Cobra: Just across the bay.


Bricklin: What do you mean by that?


Cobra: They are safe and sound on Earth. Not up here on a one-way trip.


Ridolan: You NASA guys may be on a one-way trip, not me.


Moustapha: Me neither.


Truro: Face it, there's no going home for any of us. And I consider it an honor and a privilege to give up my life to save the whole human race.


[Cobra and his boys have a hearty laugh at this.]


Ridolan: So tell us, how do you drive this thing?


Bricklin: First you have to become a top gun pilot. Then you have to spend eight very challenging years in simulations before your name even gets on the list. But it's not really that hard once you get used to it.


Cobra: Show me.


Bricklin: You put this lever in drive when you want to go forward and "R" when you need to go in reverse. [snerk!]


Ridolan: And how do you control the speed?


Bricklin: With this pedal down by your foot. Just like in a car. [Indicates a little gas pedal shaped like a foot. Double snerk!]


[Back on the LEXX]


LEXX: I am so hungry I could eat a whole continent.


Stan: But you're only going to eat a small, green salad.


Xev: You heard him, LEXX. Just enough to keep you going. Just a small, green...what?


Stan: Salad.


Xev: Salad.


LEXX: A small, green salad is not enough for me to fly away at full speed.


[Meanwhile, back on the shuttle]


Houston: Mission Light Brigade? Mission Light Brigade?


Ridolan: Yes, Houston?


Houston: New information. The alien craft has left its stationary orbit on the dark side of the moon and is now on a trajectory headed directly towards Earth, in the vicinity of South America. We recommend you modify your course.


Ridolan: Yes, Houston?


Houston: Can we speak to Commander Bricklin and Dr. Truro?


Ridolan: Uh, they're having a little oxygen problem and are tied up in the back.


Houston: Can we see them?


Ridolan: Big negative on that, Houston.


Houston: Sorry, but we insist. We must see officers Truro and Bricklin.


Ridolan: Okay, but only if you really, really insist.


Houston: we really, really insist.


Ridolan: Okay...you asked for it. [picks up the camera and takes it with him to the back of the cabin, where Truro and Bricklin's corpses are suspended from the ceiling by ropes.] Smile, Truro...and you, Bricklin.


Cobra, Ridolan and Moustapha: Cheeeeese!


Moustapha: Look!


[The three strap themselves in as the LEXX approaches. Cobra, having watched Bricklin, now knows how to fly the shuttle. Triple snerk!]


Cobra: It's working!


Ridolan: It's coming at us real fast, Cobra. We'd better slow down.


Cobra: No brakes. This thing has no brakes!


Ridolan: It must have been an option.


[INT. the LEXX Bridge]


LEXX: Mmm. Mmm. MMMM! First a tasty snack, and then a salad. I am excited today. [what, was LEXX channeling Rain Man or something?]


[INT. Space Shuttle]


Ridolan: It's the other way! It's the other way!


Moustapha: Go back, go back! You're going to hit it!


Cobra: Can't you see? The alien spaceship is turning with us!


[Cobra madly turns the steering wheel (quadruple snerk!) and lays on the horn (quint-- aw, never mind), but they are swallowed by the LEXX. They crash in his stomach, which deploys the shuttle's airbags (!!). A large metal cylinder slides up and hits into the dashboard. It is stamped with an alien head with a red circle and a line through it. Could it be....a bomb?]


Cobra: Houston? Houston? Can you read me?


Moustapha [looking at bomb]: What is that?


Ridolan [looking at the keys around Truro and Bricklin's necks]: Hey!


[Moustapha removes the keys from Truro and Bricklin's necks and hands them to Ridolan, then gets an eyeful of Bricklin's nails]


Moustapha: Ewwww! [begins filing]


[Cobra and Ridolan put the keys in the keyholes on the bomb's console]


Cobra: Ready?


[Cobra and Ridolan turn the keys, which activates the bomb]


Moustapha: I really think you should switch that off.


[Cobra and Ridolan try to, but it doesn't turn off.]


Cobra: Well, they said it would be a one-way trip.


[Commercial break]


[EXT. Amazon rain forest. Some eco tourists and a tour guide are in a boat]


Tour guide: We have contact.


Ecotourist #1: Oh Mother Gaia, we thank you for the gift of this divine moment!


Tour guide:  It's beginning. We should be able to see them with the naked eye soon.


[A video camera is trained on a pair of brightly glowing birds]


Ecotourist #2 [on a cell phone]: It's really happening, honey. I'm right here in the middle of the Amazon jungle watching the last living pair of luminescent Paraguayan toucans doing the glowing thing. Just like on the Discovery Channel. A bird that just a few years ago was thought to be just an Indian legend, which I am about to capture on my own camera.


[Sound of the LEXX landing]


Ecotourist #2: What was that?


Tour guide: I don't know!


Ecotourist #2: Hey, you guys said this part of the jungle was totally undisturbed. In fact, you guaranteed it!


Ecotourist #3 [an unbilled cameo by Maury "Paw Gollean" Chaykin]: you bring those birds back or return my 12,000 bucks!


Ecotourist #2: Those birds are back here in 10 minutes or you're gonna hear from my lawyer!


[LEXX lands and sucks up half the jungle, boat, birds, cell phones and all.]


[EXT. Shot of the White House.]


Anchor: As predicted, the exit polls are confirming...


[INT. Oval Office]


Anchor: ...That the Republican and Democratic candidates are neck and neck. But an early curiosity is the equally strong showing for independent candidate, ware hero Reginald J. Priest.


Davison: Who is Reginald J. Priest?


Anchor:  Reginald J. Priest is the Vietnam war pilot show down over Laos in 1969 who hid in the jungle for the last three decades until he turned himself into a Belgian tour bus...turned himself OVER to a Belgian tour bus early this year.


Davison: I don't understand this at all.


Correspondent [who I guess is supposed to be a like a male Christiann Amanpour]: Typically we find that voters who are frustrated with the traditional parties often express this frustration by casting their ballots for the independents. So it may be that this particular exit sample is telling us that Americans are very frustrated. But I have to admit, it's certainly a first to see so many voters support the same unknown candidate.


Anchor:  No one, including us, seems to know much about Reginald J. Priest other than the fact that he was a Vietnam War MIA. But we remind you that this is just an early exit poll, which will likely have little further meaning as the official results start pouring in from across the nation.


Correspondent: You know, Bob, I have to admit that in the privacy of the voting booth this morning I couldn't bring myself to vote for either one. Reginald J. Priest did hold out in the jungle for 32 years, so I put my mark beside his name.


Prince [answering his cell phone]: This is Prince. Really?


Davison: This could skew the results.


Prince: Mr. President, its the National Security Council.


Davison: Can't they leave me alone? It's the middle of election night!


Prince: They say the alien spacecraft has taken a big bite out of the Amazon rainforest, leaving a large lake.


Davison: Maybe this Priest guy will siphon off votes from Huff more than me. Maybe this is just what I need to go over the top.


Prince: NASA has lost contact with the Space Shuttle and thinks that the crew are dead.


Davison: Who cares about the stupid Space Shuttle in the middle of election night!?!


Anchor:  Results are pouring in from all over the Eastern Time zone and...ladies and gentlemen, the computer is making a prediction. the President of the United States of America for the next four years will be...repeat that please? What?!? Hold on, please, we are experiencing technical difficulties. [whispering] You know the computer's been wrong before...


[back to audience]...Democracy never fails to humiliate the arrogant, whether they be experienced political pundits or politicians who have lost the faith of the American people. The next President of  the United States of American will be independent candidate and Vietnam War hero Reginald J. Priest.


We will take you now live to Mr. Priest's campaign headquarters in Atlantic City, New Jersey.


Priest: My first official act will be to pardon President Davison for his crimes.


Reporter: What crimes are you referring to?


Priest: All of them.


Davison: Well, that's a relief.


Priest: It's part of my policy of general amnesty for criminals who's names begin with the letter P [I can't figure out if this guy is spoofing Ross Perot, John McCain or George W. Bush. Maybe all three].


Reporter: But "Davison" starts with a D.


Priest: Both P and D then.


Davison: The people have let me down.


Prince: The people are human beings, Mr. President, and human beings are a flawed species. [Ha! Finally a good Prince-ism!]


[Back on the LEXX]


790: Captain?


Stan: What, 790?


790: You don't mind if I still call you Captain, even though Xev has the key?


Stan: No.


790: Do you think there's a chance my beloved dead man might prefer to be with a dirty little love slave over a good looking, clever, passionate, will-oiled robot head who pines for His Stiffness every second of the day?


Stan: I wouldn't rule it out.


790: What?!?


Stan: You know, I think Kai actually does prefer to be with Xev.


790: Kill the cow, Stanley! It's the best thing you could ever do for me. When Xev dies, the key will leave her and flow into your body and you will be captain again.


Stan: You know, 790, you've got a one-track mind.


790: Thank you.


Stan: Xev will give me the key back, I will be captain again. I know it.


790:  You won't. You can only get it out of her by bringing her to the extreme edge of sexual ecstasy or to the moment of death. You can't bring her to the extreme edge of sexual ecstasy because she finds you utterly and completely repulsive. So that means you'll have to kill her sooner or later and I would prefer sooner.


Stan: You know, 790, sometimes Xev really does make me feel like wanting to kill her, you see. But I'm not a psychotic robot head, so the answer is definitely no!


790: I'll kill her then.


Stan [stalking off the bridge]: No, you won't.


790: Yes I will!


Stan: How?


790: I'll find a way. I will!


[Enter Cobra, Ridolan and Moustapha]


Cobra: I'll kill her for you.


790: You will?


Cobra: You show me how to get the key to drive this ship, and that dirty little love slave will be history.


790: You're not attracted to six thousand year old dead men, are you?


Cobra: In what sense?


790: In the romantic and devoted, uncontrollable, madly, passionately robot head in love sense.


Cobra: No.


Moustapha: I could be.


[In the cryochamber. Stan wakes Kai]


Stan: 790's circuits are fried, where he wants to kill Xev because he thinks you might prefer to be with her instead of him.


Kai: The dead do not have preferences.


Stan: Well, the mechanically minded certainly do. And I'm afraid that if you don't tell him he's not allowed to kill Xev he might do it.


Kai: Do you want me to destroy 790?


Stan: Yes. Wait...no. He's irritating, babbling all day long about you and your dead body, but he's...


Kai: What?


Stan: I don't know, he's...


Kai: Useful?


Stan: No, uh...


Kai: What then?


Stan: As much as I don't like him - and I mean that when I say it - it's just that I don't want to see him go to the scrap heap just yet, well, because he's family I guess.


Kai: What family?


Stan: ...Us.


[Cut to Kai and Stan walking down the corridor]


Stan: Kai, you've got to help me put some sense into Xev. The LEXX ate, so we should move on.


Kai: To where?


Stan: To a planet where people aren't so rude.


Kai: LEXX has eaten enough to sustain his systems for now, but he must consume far more organic material if he is to be able to travel and distance at full speed.


Stan: Whoa, so what do you suggest.


Kai: The dead do not make suggestions...normally. But there is clearly more than sufficient organic material on the blue planet to satisfy LEXX's dietary needs.


[In the LEXX's belly, where the group of ecotourists have come upon the space shuttle]


Ecotourist #1: Isn't that the Space Shuttle?


Ecotourist #2: Uh huh.


[Cut to Xev's bedroom. She's filing her nails and humming a tune. Cobra approaches her from the shadows]


Cobra: Xev...may I do that for you?


Xev [startled]: Who are you?


Cobra: I am a love slave.


Xev: I though all love slaves were women.


Cobra: Why?


Xev [shrugs]: Where did you come from?


Cobra: I've been on the LEXX for a long time. Since you first left The Cluster.


Xev: How come I've never seen you before?


Cobra: The LEXX is a big ship.


Xev: It certainly is big. How did you survive?


Cobra: I placed myself in a cell in the moth-breeding chamber...Xev, I am a love slave [except it sounds like "Xev-ah, I am a love slave-ah], I have special needs and very special talents.


Xev: I definitely have special needs and very special talents. Four thousand years is a long time.


Cobra: Too long.


Xev: How did you know my name?


Cobra: A love slave has to be very careful to survive. I've been watching you for a long time. I just could not hold out any longer. [Goes to kiss her hand, but Xev pulls away]


Xev: Neither can I.


[Back on the bridge, Kai and Stan have confronted 790]


Kai: 790, promise me you will not do anything to harm Xev.


790: My circuits are sizzling with desire! Let's run away, just the two of us. We don't need the LEXX, we don't need oxygen. We can spend the rest of our lives in a vacuum on that moon!


Stan: Kai is not going to spend the rest of his "life" anywhere, because Kai is dead!


790: I know that. I don't have a body either. But my love is very much alive, so what else do we need? Stan?


Stan: What now, meat grinder?


790: Let's talk.


Stan: About what?


790: Things.


Stan: Yeah, what things?


790: You and me...our friendship. How we both desire other people but cannot find the fulfillment we seek. We have a lot in common.


Stan: Ho, ho, ho, I've got nothing in common with you, pal.


Kai [growing suspicious]: What is it, 790?


790: What?


Kai: There is something you're not telling us.


[790 moans]


Kai: What?


790: Oh, it hurts to lust for the dead!


Kai [picks up 790]: That is not it.


790: What is it, then?


Kai: You tell us.


Stan: Is it something about Xev?


Kai: Answer!


790: Oh...I told them everything they needed to know in order to get the key and they agreed to kill Xev for me.


Kai: Who?


790: I don't know! The evil murderers who came onto the bridge. I don't care, as long as they get rid of Xev.


[Kai throws 790 down, and he and Stan hurry off the bridge]


[In the galley, Xev is suggestively stroking LEXX's food tube and blue spooge shoots out of it]


Cobra: I have a surprise for you Xev.


Xev: What's that?


Cobra: I'm a bad boy.


Xev: I don't mind.


Cobra: No, but you don't understand, I'm a very bad boy.


Xev: I'm a very bad girl.


Cobra:  I do believe that, baby, but what I mean is that what I intended to do was kill you to get the keys to the ship. But now that I've seen what you looked like in the flesh, I'm going to break with my tradition and do you first. And once I have had my complete, personal and uniquely special satisfaction, I'm going to squeeze the breath right out of you.


Xev: Why are you telling me this?


Cobra: It makes it more exciting, doesn't it?


Xev: No!


Cobra: Well, it does for me, baby, and that's all that counts.


Xev: See, I'm not a baby, and yeah. Go ahead, big boy, and do me. [grabs hold of Cobra's crotch, as I imagine any woman would do to a man who's about to kill her. Yep.]


Cobra: Oh, I dig, dig your clothes. They're nice. But not perfect.


Xev: What?


Cobra: Ugh, your nails!


Xev: What about them?


Cobra: First I'm going to smooth off a few of the rough edges and when I'm satisfied that they are as perfect as they can be, I'm going to kill you.


Xev: I don't think you're well. [Gee, ya think?]


Cobra: I most definitely am not. But I promise you, you will be a well...manicured...corpse.


[Xev belts out healthy Cluster lizard screech, alerting Ridolan and Moustapha in the corridor. Moustapha pulls a small silver gun from his manicure kit.]


Cobra: What was that?


Xev: I'm a little more than just a love slave.


Cobra: Yeah?


Xev: Yeah. I'm also part Cluster lizard.


Cobra: A what?


Xev: A hot-tempered and very nasty animal. [Does a neat little jump in the air, back flip, triple axle Cluster lizard thing and lands on her feet] You almost got it right, baby. but it's me who's going to do you. And once I've got *my* complete and personal satisfaction...I'm going to snap you in two.


[Xev screeches again and goes down on Cobra, causing him to scream in horror or excitement or both.]


[Back in the corridor Stan and Kai meet up with Ridolan and Moustapha]


Kai: I suggest you stand behind me, Stanley.


Stan: Why?


Kai: As an assassin for the Divine Order, I am rather familiar with the sequence of events now likely to occur.


Stan: Okay.


Kai [to Ridolan and Moustapha]: Where is Xev?


Moustapha: You mean the dirty little love slave?


Kai: Xev is a love slave, and also the only woman aboard this vessel.


Ridolan: She's about to have a...problem with her oxygen supply.


Kai: I will not permit that.


Ridolan: Is that right?


Kai: Yes, that is right.


Ridolan: You're asking for it, Paleface. And I am happy to give it to you.


[Ridolan and Moustapha start firing, and of course the bullets just bounce off of Kai, who up until now didn't really have much to do in this episode except stand there and look fuckable. He brandishes his brace and fires it. The brace tears through Moustapha's chest, then turns around, ventilating Ridolan on the way back before Moustapha even drops. Schweet!!]


Stan: What happened to them?


Kai: They're dead.


Stan: How?


Kai [showing Stan the brace]: Divine Assassins are very efficient killers.


[back in the galley]


Xev: What was that sound?


Cobra: What sound?


Xev: That banging.


Cobra: Nothing.


Xev: You're lying.


[Cobra pulls a gun on Xev]


Xev: What's that thing in your hand?


Cobra: A gun.


Xev: What's a gun?


Cobra: You don't know?


Xev: No.


Cobra:  A gun is the last thing you're ever going to see. Bye-bye!


[Now this is really cool. Cobra fires just as Stan and Kai get there. The key leaves Xev, and flows toward Stan. Kai fires his brace, deflecting the bullet before it can hit Xev, and on the way back to him, his brace adds a new orifice to Cobra, who dies instantly. The key enters Stan, and all is once again right with the universe.]


Xev: Bye-bye...baby. [To Kai] I must have been at the edge of death.


Kai: The very edge. And the key knew it.


Xev: Thank you.


Kai: You're welcome.


Xev: Too bad, though.


Stan: Excuse me?


Xev: I was hoping to have a little fun with him first.


Stan: I don't understand you, Xev. I don't understand you at all.


Xev [patting Stan on the shoulder as she walks away]: Mm hm.


Stan: LEXX?


LEXX: Yes, captain?


Stan [smiling happily]: Who's you're captain?


LEXX: Stan, Stan...


Stan and LEXX: And ONLY Stan!


 (Commercial break)


[In the LEXX's belly, the ecotourists have boarded the space shuttle.]


Ecotourist #2: Hey! Just like my Buick Roadmaster.


Ecotourist #1 [pointing at the bomb]: What's that?


Ecotourist #3: It says Department of Energy on it.


Ecotourist #2: Don't they make atomic bombs?




[Back on the bridge]


Stan: What was that?


Xev: Yeah, what was that?


LEXX: I think I must have eaten something hot.


790: That was a 23.4-megaton nuclear explosion likely caused by the fusion of tritium and hydrogen. Typically the most advanced weapon of type 13 planets prior to their collapse.


Xev: So?


Stan: So, I'm gonna blow up that planet. LEXX can eat the chunks. LE--


Xev: No!


Stan: No? What do you mean "no?" It's a type 13 planet, Xev. They just tried to blow us up and kill us. And they are completely rude. I've seen just about enough of this planet. Let's blast it and get out of here.


Xev: Just because some people are bad doesn't mean the whole planet's bad. [You tell him Xev.]


Stan: OK, Xev. if you really, really insist, I'll agree to leave without blowing it up, but I will not agree to stay here any longer.


Xev: Fine. We can leave after I check it out.


Stan: No, Xev! Why?


Xev: Because I'm part cluster lizard, and Cluster lizards are carnivores and that makes me have a curious nature. Besides, it may have some potential.


Stan: What do you have in mind?


Xev:  What I have in mind is, get in the moth, go down to Little Blue Planet and see what it's like for myself. If I like what I see, I'll stay. If I don't, I'll leave with you. Coming?


Stan: No!


Xev: Okay. Will you at least wait for me, Captain?


Stan: I might.


Xev: OK. Will you come with me, Kai?


Kai: If you would like.


Xev: I would like.


790: I'm coming too!


Xev: No you're not.


790: I am! I have to stand by my man!


Kai: You will remain here with Stanley.


790: I'd rather die a thousand deaths!


Stan: One would do.


Xev: Bye


Stan [waves dismissively]: Yeah... [picks up 790] Robot, I'm going to melt you down.


790: How?


Stan: I'll find a way.


[Next we are taken to a location just outside the Milky Way, and the Potato of Doom is headed straight for it. Now a cloud of swarming objects surrounds it. What could they be? I guess we'll find out soon, won't we? Stay tuned...]