Episode 4.04 - "Stan Down" - Written by Lex Gigeroff with Paul Donovan

Transcribed by Cassie Jackson









Michael McManus as Kai

Xenia Seeberg as Xev

Brian Downey as Stanley H. Tweedle

Jeffrey Hirschfield as the voice of 790

Tom Gallant as the voice of the LEXX

Nigel Bennett as Prince



Also featuring:


Rolf Kaines as President Reginald J. Priest

Janet Wright as The First Lady

Ellen Dubin as Genevieve G. Rota

Tony Anholt as The News Anchor

Stephen N. Coates as The Dad

Rhonda McLean as The Mom

Bruce Murphy as The Kid

Maggie Holland as The Old Lady




As usual, this is a word for word transcript of the episode. My (sometimes extraneous) comments are in [brackets].




[EXT. Suburban House - Day. An old woman is bringing a dish of food to her cat, who is sitting on the sidewalk.]


OLD LADY: Buttons! It's yum, yum, yum time! [Sets the bowl down in front of the cat.] Fresh catfish supreme! [BUTTONS runs into the bushes.] Don't you like your dinny-din-dins? Oh Buttons! [This woman is truly insane.]


[The bushes start shaking violently, and we hear BUTTONS screeching and spitting. It appears that one of the buggering carrots from the PoD has grown tired of asses and has turned its attention to pussy.


My goddess, that joke was cheap even for me. And I'm better than that.


No I'm not.


Oh yeah, like that wasn't the *obvious* conclusion the Beans wanted us to come to!


Anyway, BUTTONS comes out of the bushes with glowing red eyes and is walking like a wind-up toy. Something is not right with BUTTONS.]


OLD LADY: Oh, Buttons! Is there something wrong with my poor little pussy? [Heheheh...no, I just can't.]


[EXT. White House - Day]


[INT. Oval Office. President Priest is writing a letter.]


FIRST LADY [Played by Janet "Lorca" Wright, from the "Love Grows" episode]: Are you a man or a jellyfish?


PRIEST: What, sweetie?


FIRST LADY: Are you a man or a spineless, gutless jellyfish with no backbone whatsoever?


PRIEST: Uh...I'm a man.


FIRST LADY: You're a jellyfish. You take your orders from Prince. And why the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should tell the President of the United States what to do is beyond me. You're nothing but a sniveling dog, Reggie.




FIRST LADY [And no, her name isn't "Hillary"]: You give the orders, not Isambard Prince. And he and everyone else has to follow them.


PRIEST: You really think that's possible?


FIRST LADY: Yes, you moron! You're the President!


PRIEST: That's right, I am.


FIRST LADY: If you want to get rid of Prince, you can. Then you don't have to take orders from him again.


PRIEST: You're right.




PRIEST: But how can I get rid of him?


FIRST LADY: Any way you want, Mr. President.


[PRIEST turns to his butler, who has been milling around and serving tea. It should be noted that for some reason the butler's uniform is identical to a certain security guard's uniform, minus the "4" on the hat.]


PRIEST: Your country has an important mission for you.


[FIRST LADY looks on with smug satisfaction.]


[EXT. Highway in Florida - Day]


[INT. Red SUV occupied by Yuppish mom, dad and kid who - for reasons that will become clear as the episode progresses - will be known from here on in as FISHWIFE, SORRY BASTARD and DEMONSPROG.]


DEMONSPROG: Are we there yet?


FISHWIFE: Not yet, sweetie-pie.


DEMONSPROG: When are we gonna get there?


FISHWIFE: We'll get there when we get there, pumpkin.


DEMONSPROG: I want to ride in the Alligator Pit right now!


FISHWIFE: Mommy and Daddy promised you could.


DEMONSPROG: The Alligator Pit! The Alligator Pit!


FISHWIFE: We have to get there first, Sugar.


DEMONSPROG: I'm hungry! [FISHWIFE offers him a bag of something.] I hate those!


FISHWIFE: You love them.


DEMONSPROG [Whining]: I hate them! And I wanna shoot something!


[SORRY BASTARD is just sitting at the wheel with a look that says "if I knew then what I know now, I'd have sterilized myself with a pair of nail clippers." He opens a can of Molson and it shpritzes all over him. FISHWIFE and DEMONSPROG laugh hysterically at him.]


[EXT. ATF HQ - Day]


[INT. Prison chamber. STAN starts to nod off, but wakes himself at the last minute.


STAN: Ah! Oh, why can't this be a dream? Why can't I just wake up in my own bed on the LEXX? This is definitely not my bed.


[PRIEST and THE BUTLER enter the chamber. THE BUTLER is wearing a pair of slacks and a sport jacket over his STAN uniform.]


GUARD: Mr. President.


PRIEST: I'd like to talk to prisoner Tweedle.


GUARD: You don't have the proper clearance for that. [Wha--?]


PRIEST: I'm the President. I can do what I want. Now leave me.


GUARD: Yes, sir.


[PRIEST straightens up THE BUTLER'S clothes, then goes to the door.]


PRIEST [to GUARDS]: Go! Get out of here!


[THE GUARDS leave.]


[The slab that STAN is chained to starts to descend and stops halfway to the ground.]


PRIEST: Stanley Tweedle. We have something in common, you and I.


STAN: What?


PRINCE: Our strong feelings about Isambard Prince.


STAN: Oh yeah, I got some strong feelings about him, but not the same ones you have.


PRIEST: Perhaps they are. I strongly feel that this planet would be a far better place as far as you and I are concerned if Prince were no longer here.


STAN: What?


PRIEST: Let me ask you, Captain Tweedle...you don't mind if I call you that?


STAN: No, no.


PRIEST: Captain Tweedle, could you use the LEXX to destroy Prince?


STAN: Yeah, I think so. But if I do, what's in it for me?


PRIEST: I'll make you a king.


STAN: King of the whole planet?


PRIEST: No, not the whole planet. But you could rule your own country...there! [A map of Eastern Canada and the Northeastern US appears on a large overhead monitor. Priest points to it.] That great big island. You can be King of New-Found-Land.


[In-joke for the uninitiated: Brian Downey is from Newfoundland.]


STAN: What's it like?


PRIEST: It is a paradise! A beautiful island paradise of wine, women and constant song. Big, sunny gardens all year round.


STAN: What are the women like?


PRIEST: Not very picky, if you know what I mean.


STAN [Chuckles]: King of New...Newf...


PRIEST: New-Found-Land.


STAN: King of Newfoundland, eh?


[EXT. Capitol Building - Day]


[EXT. Rows of tour buses. Various tourists are disembarking. KAI and XEV disembark behind an older couple. Try not to think about how either of them got the money for bus tickets; it would hurt too much.]


XEV: So how do we find Stan?


[KAI turns to a man getting off behind him. Er, I mean, *stepping off the bus* behind him. Ahem.]


KAI: Excuse me, we are looking for Stanley Tweedle. He is in this city. How do we find him? [Hmm, it appears that KAI can be a bit of a himbo at times.]


MAN: Get yourself a new hairdo, freak! [Ogles XEV] Hey, baby. [Violently pushes KAI] Outta my way, bun head! [BASTARD!!]


[KAI, demonstrating that the dead do not suffer belligerent, dick-waving assholes gladly, brandishes his brace, grabs Captain Jerkoff by the collar and holds the brace to his throat.]


KAI: Who is in charge of this city?


MAN [Peeing himself]: The President. In the White House! Pennsylvania Avenue!


[XEV amuses herself by playing with the man's hair.]


KAI: Thank you. [Releases him and gives him a look that could curdle milk as the man runs away.]


XEV: Nice work...Bun Head. [Gives KAI a playful wink. He is not amused.]


[INT. ATF Headquarters. STAN is looking at a piece of paper with some scribble on it. The paper is, of course, upside down. STAN is wearing THE BUTLER'S slacks and sport coat over his uniform.]


STAN: And this makes me King of Newfoundland?


PRIEST: Yes, by my supreme executive authority, I invest you as the King.


STAN: Excellent. I'll call you as soon as I get back to the LEXX. [Hey, Stan looks kinda cute minus the hat and with some different threads!]




STAN [Climbing into the moth]: We're more advanced than you are. I can call straight to your desk.


PRIEST: Great! And I'll find out where Prince is.


STAN: Find out *exactly * where.


PRIEST: Exactly. Yes.


STAN: Time to close the book on Prince.


[STAN takes off in the moth, and PRIEST starts laughing madly.]


[EXT. ATF HQ - Day. The moth flies out of a silo and away.]


[EXT. Street outside White House - Day. Three teenaged Catholic School Cupcakes are taking pictures. KAI and XEV walk up as they move on.]


XEV [Pointing skyward]: Look!


[The moth flies over the Washington Monument. KAI fires his brace, latching onto the moth, which startles STAN.]


XEV: Give me a ride?


KAI: Hold on tight.


[XEV takes off her dress and wraps her legs around KAI saying "well, is *this* tight enough for you?" and Kai says "damn straight, now about that ride..." and...Oops, no wait. That's my own private version of the script. Heh, sorry about that.


Anyway, KAI takes hold of XEV and the two of them are carried up to the moth.]


STAN [Happily]: Hey!


[INT. Prince's office at ATF HQ. PRINCE and two GUARDS walk in.]


PRINCE: Are you sure it was the President?


GUARD: Yes, sir.


PRINCE: What exactly were he and Stanley Tweedle talking about?


GUARD: We don't know, sir.


PRINCE: Why not?


GUARD: He asked us to leave the chamber.


PRINCE: Why didn't you come up here?


GUARD: We didn't know that was allowed, sir.


PRINCE: The next time the President and Stanley Tweedle have a little chit chat, you have my permission to come into this office. You can hear them quite well from here.


GUARD: Yes, sir.


PRINCE: Thank you.


[THE GUARDS leave and PRINCE turns on the news.]


ANCHOR [onscreen]: This just in: the Sacred College of Cardinals of the Catholic Church have finally chosen a new Pope. Although it's not a requirement of canon law, the college normally elects one of its own members as leader of the world's more than one billion Catholics. But in a surprise break from tradition, they've made a...real estate agent from Miami, Genevieve G. Rota the new Holy Father of the Catholic Church.


[Oh, Lex G., I fink I wuv you! Giggerota as the Pope! It warms the cockles of the place where my heart used to be to see those misogynistic swackhammers get taken down a peg or nine. You might go to Hell for it, but you're my hero Mr. G.!]


GIGGEROTA [onscreen, with gigantic hair and a trashy looking faux leopard skin dress]: I'm His Holiness? I'm the Father?! Ha, Ha!! I'm the Pope! Oh my goodness! I can't believe it! Ha, Ha! [Singing] I'm the Pope, I ain't no dope. Everybody, I'm the Pope! I'm the Pope, I ain't no dope, I offer hope. Wine and wafers and water and wine. Kiss my ring and cross my heart...[laughs hysterically]


CARDINAL [onscreen]: We were deadlocked for a week between the Cardinal of Valencia and the Cardinal of Milan. It was getting so acrimonious we decided to pick a compromise candidate at random from the newspaper. Once conclave begins, no communication is allowed with the outside world, and the only newspaper we had was the real estate section of the Miami Herald. We chose Genevieve because her name has a nice Catholic ring to it. [Ha. Ha ha! Ha ha ha ha HA!]


[PRINCE enlarges the small picture of "STAN" that was in the lower left hand corner of the screen, and picks up the phone.]


PRINCE: Isambard Prince for the President.


OPERATOR: I'm sorry, sir. The President's...away.


PRINCE: Away? Where?


OPERATOR: Just away, sir.


PRINCE:  The President didn't tell me that he was going away.


OPERATOR: Would you like to leave a message?


[PRINCE hangs up and zooms in on the picture on the screen, and is not at all pleased to see that it is not STAN on the wall but THE BUTLER. Furious, he stalks out of the office.]


[EXT. Space. The moth is heading back to the LEXX.]


[EXT. Highway outside Orlando - Day. FISHWIFE, DEMONSPROG and SORRY BASTARD are on their way. FISHWIFE is nagging, SORRY BASTARD is sucking down the Molson's and DEMONSPROG is stuffing his face with a big hoagie.]


FISHWIFE: "We're going to Orlando this year, I promise." That's what you said. You're exact words.


[INT. - SUV]


FISHWIFE: I assume that meant you wanted to go. You said we were going to go last year. But of course, we didn't go anywhere last year. Said we were gonna go the year before, and the year before that, but each time you had a reason why you couldn't. You always have a reason why you can't do anything.


[SORRY BASTARD just stares that thousand-yard stare and, presumably, silently begs God to kill him.]


DEMONSPROG: The Alligator Pit! The Alligator Pit!


FISHWIFE: We're almost there, Lambikins. [Turns around to dote on DEMONSPROG.]


DEMONSPROG: The Alligator Pit! The Alligator Pit!


FISHWIFE: We all want to get to the Alligator Pit. That is as long as your father doesn't screw things up this time like he always does.


[SORRY BASTARD just glares at FISHWIFE and gulps more brewski. He crushes the can and throws it out the window.]


[EXT. White House - Day.]


[INT. Oval Office]


FIRST LADY: That's your plan?


PRIEST: Uh-huh.


FIRST LADY: That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


PRIEST: No, Sweetie. Tweedle says his spaceship can fire a tiny little beam.


FIRST LADY: And you believed him?


PRIEST: Well, yes.


FIRST LADY: I knew you were dumb, Reggie, but I had no idea you were actually retarded. [Grabs PRIEST by the ear.] How are you going to pinpoint Prince? Is he gonna go around telling you precisely where he is?


[Phone rings. PRIEST answers.]


PRIEST: Yeah? [Covers receiver with his hand] It's Prince! [To PRINCE] Isambard, how are you? And where are you?


PRINCE: I just called to tell you I'm in Miami for a few days to meet with some Cuban hit men.


[INT. Small, windowless room with a desk. PRINCE ain't in Miami.]


[INT. Oval Office.]


PRIEST: Good, good, fine, fine. [Covers handset] He's gone to  Miami. [To PRINCE] Where in Miami, exactly?


PRINCE: My meeting is taking place in a small yacht about 2 miles off South Beach. Why?


PRIEST: Isambard, I gotta go. Call me back. [Hangs up and turns to FIRST LADY] Find a map!


FIRST LADY: This is crazy!


PRIEST: No, it's not.


FIRST LADY: This will never work.


PRIEST [Flipping furiously through an atlas]: America...America...There! There it is. Miami. Right there on that land that sticks out.


FIRST LADY: That land that sticks out is called Florida. You don't know that, war hero?


PRIEST: Uh...well...thirty years in the jungle causes you to forget...things.


[EXT. Space. The LEXX flies by.]


[INT. Kai, Xev and Stan walk onto the bridge.]


KAI: 790.


790: Oh, Kai-O-Liciouuuuus! [A picture of KAI appears on each of 790's eye screens. KAI, as usual, says nothing. The dead are SO over it.]


[A phone rings.]


STAN: LEXX, what was that?


LEXX: A communication signal, Stan.


STAN: Well, connect us!


LEXX: As you command, Stan.


[INT. Oval Office. PRIEST is on a mobile and holding a bit of apparatus that looks like a satellite dish in order to talk to STAN on the LEXX (how did he know what number to dial???)]


PRIEST: Stanley? Captain Tweedle? Is that you?


[INT. LEXX bridge.]


STAN: Yeah, it's me.


[INT. Oval Office.]


PRIEST: Prince is in a boat off Miami. He promised to call back with his exact location. Are you listening?


STAN: Yeah, yeah. I'm listening.


[Another phone rings. PRIEST hands the satellite dish thing to FIRST LADY and answers the phone.]


PRIEST: Prince?


[INT. Windowless room.]




PRIEST: Are you still there? Where are you? In the boat?


PRINCE: Yes, I'm still here.


PRIEST: Sorry about that. I was on the other line.


PRINCE: I'm off the coast of Florida. That's the bit that sticks out in the lower right hand corner of the US.


PRIEST: Miami, right?


PRINCE: Yes, in a small boat off the coast of South Beach.


PRIEST: Huh...could you say exactly how far off?




PRIEST: Well...uh...I'd just like to know where my trusty old #2, I mean #1 man is.


PRINCE: I see. Well, just give me a moment here, please. [Places the phone on his shoulder for a second, then picks it back up.] My exact position is 25 degrees, 45 minutes North by 80 degrees, 16 minutes West. Did you get that?


PRIEST: I'm sorry, could you repeat that?


PRINCE: 25 degrees, 45 minutes North by 80 degrees, 16 minutes West.


PRIEST: Thank you, Isambard.


PRINCE: It's my pleasure.


PRIEST: Now what is it you were calling about?


PRINCE: It's the Cubans, sir.


PRIEST: The Cubans. Yes, I see.


PRINCE: The Miami Cubans. I'm arranging for them to take care of a little problem for me.


[Camera pans down, through the floor, past Jimmy Hoffa's skeleton (oh ok, not *really*) and down to the basement, where PRINCE has set up shop.]


PRIEST: Yes, I see. Good, good, fine, fine.


PRINCE: It's the kind of problem they're quite experienced with, so I won't bore you with the details just yet.


PRIEST: Yes, you handle it. You're my #1. Well, bye-bye, Isambard.


PRINCE: Bye-bye.


PRIEST [to STAN]: Did you get all that.


STAN: Yeah, yeah. I got it.


[PRIEST hangs up and turns to FIRST LADY]


PRIEST: So, now what do you think?


FIRST LADY: I think you should have rotted in the jungles of Vietnam and I should have married Dr. Schnappsklapper.


[Commercial break]


[INT. LEXX Bridge]


STAN: Okay, LEXX, I want you to fire a thin beam at a teeny, tiny target.


LEXX: I will always do as you command, Captain.


STAN: Okay, good LEXX. I want you to fire your weapon...


XEV: Stan, what are you doing?


STAN: Now, Xev, I know that sometimes you think I make really stupid decisions and I admit sometimes I could have done things a bit better, but trust me on this one. What I'm doing is for the greater good of everyone.


XEV: Do you mind if I ask how, and what exactly you have in mind?


STAN: I'm going to get the LEXX to fire a tiny, thin beam at a precise spot on that planet and [snaps fingers] no more Prince.


XEV: You think the LEXX can do that?


STAN: We did some target practice a little while go and the LEXX fired a tiny beam at a tiney object that was really far away so this should be easy. Right, LEXX?


LEXX: I will do as you command, Stan.


XEV: I don't know, Stan.


STAN: Come on, Xev. The LEXX and I are really good together.


XEV: Sure you are. What if it doesn't work? Then you'll end up killing thousands of innocent people.


STAN: Look, Xev, the only chance that entire planet has is with Prince out of the way. You know that's true.


KAI: Are you sure it's possible to kill Prince in the conventional sense?


XEV: You mean, if he's killed he may be able to come back again like he did on Fire?


KAI:  Yes.


STAN: Yeah. But we don't know for sure, and we shouldn't miss this chance. Besides, I'm the captain of this ship, and I declare by my...supreme executive authority that we're are gonna blow up Prince, the ultimate embodiment of evil, who we know right now is in a boat off the coast of Miami, Florida, therefore making the planet a much better place for me, for you, for everybody. Now LEXX, do you see that bit that sticks out there?


LEXX: Yes, Stan.


STAN: Are you aimed at it?


LEXX: Yes, Stan.


STAN: Good. Okay, LEXX, I want you to fire a tiny, thin beam at...28 degrees by...45 minutes North...by...81 degrees...point 15 minutes West.


LEXX: As you command, Stan.


[EXT. Space. LEXX's ocular parabola opens and he generates a small (well, small for the LEXX, anyway) fireball which hurtles through space toward the Earth, Florida to be exact.]


[INT. White House basement. PRINCE takes a bite out of a little palm tree figurine he was playing with. He decides he doesn't like the way it tastes (um, well, yeah...) and spits it out. He then turns on the TV on his desk.]


[INT. Oval Office. PRIEST and FIRST LADY stick their fingers in their ears.]


[INT. LEXX Bridge. The crew watch intently.]


[INT. Oval Office. More ear-plugging.]


[INT. LEXX bridge. Xev steps forward, very interested.]


[INT. SUV headed for Orlando. DEMONSPROG is playing with his Game Boy.]


FISHWIFE: Is that it? [Points} Don't you just love it? It's...it's beautiful!


DEMONSPROG: Alligator Pit! Alligator Pit!


FISHWIFE [to SORRY BASTARD]: You're no fun at all. Did you know that?


[The sky overhead turns yellow as the LEXX's fireball hurtles to the Earth and vaporizes Orlando "The Day After"-style. Bye-bye!]


[INT. LEXX bridge. Stan hangs his head in misery, knowing he screwed up big. Don't worry, Stan, you just destroyed an evil far greater than PRINCE!]


[INT. SUV. A big alligator crashes down on the hood of the SUV. FISHWIFE screams, DEMONSPROG starts to cry. SORRY BASTARD just starts laughing like a psycho.]


[INT. Oval Office. The phone rings, PRIEST answers.]


PRIEST: Prince?


[They hear PRINCE gurgling and pretending to die. PRIEST and FIRST LADY start laughing. A special news report comes on.]


NEWS ANCHOR: We interrupt this program for a special news bulletin. Moments ago, a massive explosion seems to have obliterated the city of Orlando, Florida. Once again, Orlando, Florida has suffered a massive explosion.


[PRIEST and FIRST LADY both sink to the couch, mortified.]


PRIEST: Orlando?




[INT. LEXX bridge. Florida - with a big, charred pit where Orlando used to be - is on the view screen.]


XEV [Sarcastically]: Good shot.


STAN: LEXX, you hit the wrong place!


LEXX: I'm sorry, Stanley. I tried my best.


STAN: How could you miss?!


LEXX: I like to blow up whole planets. That is what I was designed for. I will try again if you like.




790: Congratulations, mass murderer.


STAN: As if that matters to you! That's it, I'm out of here. I've had it with this whole stupid planet. I've had it with Prince, I've had it with everyone. I say we just get out of here right now and take our chances someplace else. LEXX! Get us out of here now.


LEXX: I am very weak, Stanley. Unless I eat a lot more, I will not be able to go very far, very quickly.


STAN: LEXX, we'll find you something else to eat along the way! Let's just...just...get out...oo!!


LEXX: As you request, Captain, but I will only be able to go very, very slowly.


STAN: As long as you're moving.


[EXT. Space. The LEXX begins to drift slowly away from the Earth.]


[INT. Bridge]


XEV: Stan, I don't want to go just yet.


STAN: Well, Xev, if you don't want to go just yet, get in a moth and go down to the planet, but don't expect me to wait for you because I'm leaving right now.


XEV: All because Prince is still down there, right?


STAN: That alone would be a good enough reason for me!


790: I think you should both go down there and stay.


STAN: Shut up, metal mouth!


790: I'm sure you would both be perfectly happy there.


XEV: Stan, turn the LEXX around.


STAN: I'm sorry, Xev. We'll find you a nice place later on, okay? With no Prince on it. I promise.


[EXT. Space. LEXX continues to slowly drift away.]


[EXT. White House lawn - Day.]


FIRST LADY [V.O.]: Low grade idiot!


[INT. Oval Office. FIRST LADY is beating PRIEST with a broom.]




FIRST LADY: Prince is still alive! Not only that, you just blew up Orlando!


PRIEST: I tried my best, Sweetie.


FIRST LADY: Don't you call me Sweetie, you little war hero! [Ouch.] What are we gonna do, Reggie?


PRIEST: I don't know.


FIRST LADY [Whimpering]: What are they gonna do to us when they find out? They're gonna take all this away. From me!


[PRIEST goes to touch her face, but she stomps on his foot.]


FIRST LADY: You'll go to the electric chair and I won't be First Lady anymore. What'll Prince do to us when he finds out?


PRINCE [Off screen]: Finds out what?




PRINCE: Finds out what?


PRIEST: Uh...nothing.


FIRST LADY: We thought you were in Miami.


PRINCE: Yes, well, I'm not. [Walks over to PRIEST] Mr. President, it appears we've had a spot of bother in Orlando.


PRIEST: Yes, it's terrible, isn't it?




PRINCE: All those cute little plastic animals, melted and charred beyond recognition.


FIRST LADY: Do we have any idea what happened yet?


PRIEST: Maybe it just exploded by itself. You know, one minute it's there, the next...Pfft!


PRINCE: That's an interesting theory, Mr. President, but I doubt the people would accept such an explanation. When something as terrible as this happens, somebody must pay, otherwise the public will not be satisfied. And as you know, this is exactly the sort of little incident that gets a presidency into trouble.


FIRST LADY: You're absolutely right, Isambard. Our very presidency is at stake. And it's far too big a matter for our moronic President to take care of. I have a plan to turn this thing around.


[Commercial break]


[EXT. Space. LEXX fly-by.]


[INT. Bridge.]


XEV: Leaving this planet without having any idea of where we're going is not a very bright decision.


STAN: Too bad. I'm captain, you're not.


KAI: You may not be able to reach a life bearing planet unless the LEXX eats, Stanley.


STAN: What do you care? You're dead.


KAI: You and Xev, however, are alive. It could take the LEXX many thousands of years to reach a suitable planet in its weakened condition. You will of course choose to enter cryosleep, but the cryopod may not function properly for that length of time.


STAN: Okay, I'll let the LEXX eat! Oh, LEXX? Is there anything down there small enough for you to eat that's enough to keep you going full speed?


LEXX: Yes, Stanley. I would be able to go full speed if I ate just that small part of the little blue planet. It has lots of green goodness and yummy protein [view screen zooms in on a lush, green area] and not too many hard rocks.


790: That land mass LEXX is referring to is a country called Holland. [Okay, I shouldn't even bother, but I have to ask. HOW IN THE NAME OF MIKE DOES HE KNOW ALL THIS??]


STAN: Fine! LEXX, I order you to eat--


XEV: Wait a second. If that's a country, couldn't it have lots of people?


790: Holland appears to be densely populated, which means it would supply the LEXX with plenty of protein.


XEV: You can't order the LEXX to eat a country. That's mass murder!


STAN: Well, Xev, maybe technically speaking it's mass murder, but--


XEV [Grabs Stan by the shirt front]: It's wrong, Stan, and you know it!


STAN: It's a type 13 planet! It's doomed anyway. LEXX, I order you to eat Holland!


LEXX: As you request, Stan. And thank you. Holland looks very tasty.


[EXT. Space. LEXX turns around and heads for Earth.]


[INT. Bridge.]


XEV: Kai, if I asked you to, would you kill Stan?


STAN: Hey!


XEV: If you kill Stanley, the key will come back to me, right?


STAN: Hey, hey, hey!


KAI: Yes. If I kill Stanley, the key will flow to you and you will become captain of the LEXX.


STAN: Come on now, you wouldn't really do that Kai, old buddy, old pal? You wouldn't kill me, you're a *former * assassin. [Gives KAI a friendly punch on the arm.]


KAI: Although I have no feeling for the people of Holland, I am aware that morally speaking it is not right to sacrifice an entire nation for one man's individual gain. Therefore, if Xev were to ask me to, I WILL kill you, Stanley.


STAN: OK, Kai, I order you not to kill me. So if Xev asked you to kill me, then the two orders would cancel each other out, right?


[Oh, Stan, Stan, Stan. I wuvs ya, but KAI should ventilate you just for thinking you can give him orders. Unless you're ordering him to pleasure me. And act like he likes it. Then it's okay.]


KAI: Yes. But your choice to destroy Holland tips the scales. So if Xev asks me to, I will kill you, Stanley. [*Sigh * So forceful! Did you see the intense look on his face? Oh my stars, than man sho' does give me the vapors!]


XEV: Turn the LEXX around, Stan.




XEV: Yes!


790: Kill them both, Kai! That's my vote!


XEV: Shut up!


STAN: Come on, guys, this isn't funny anymore. We can't stay here and we can't go until the LEXX eats. What choice do we have?


KAI: Xev? [Prepares his brace for firing. Is it me, or did he seem a little anxious to get started? Hmm, probably just me.]


STAN [Running into the corridor]: LEXX, seal the bridge!


LEXX: As you command, Stan.


[A membrane of some kind comes down over the door after STAN runs through it, trapping KAI, XEV and 790 on the bridge.]


XEV: I didn't know the LEXX could do that!


STAN: Ha, ha, ha! LEXX, my friend, you are so full of surprises. Okay...guys? I'm not gonna let you out until you promise not to kill me, okay? Guys? Look, I'm doing this for your own good.


KAI: Do you wish me to kill Stanley?


XEV: What about this? [Points at the membrane.]


KAI: Such barriers are not meaningful to a Divine Assassin. [Holds up the brace, as if to punctuate. Swoon!]


STAN: Ok, guys, do I win or what?


[KAI fires his brace through the membrane, catching STAN by the throat.]


STAN: LEXX, I command you not to eat Holland.


LEXX: But I am very hungry, Stan.


STAN: Sorry, LEXX. Turn around and get out of this solar system as fast as you can.


LEXX: Oh...all right.


[KAI releases STAN]


[EXT. Space. The LEXX turns around.]


[EXT. White House lawn - dusk.]


PRINCE [V.O.]: We invited you, our country's senior journalists,


[INT. Oval Office. PRINCE, PRIEST, and FIRST LADY have invited four JOURNALISTS for a small press conference.]


PRINCE: To come to the Oval Office today so the President can brief you privately on the tragedy at Orlando. Mr. President?


PRIEST: Yes, thank you, Isambard. Ladies and gentlemen, we have got a bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad situation here. But we've found a way to save the presidency. Yes, it's a good day.


FIRST LADY: What the President is saying, ladies and gentlemen, is that we have learned who is responsible for Orlando. We have the proof. [Hands PRIEST a videotape.]


PRIEST: Right here.


FIRST LADY: Why don't you play it for them, Reggie?


PRIEST: Right. [Goes to the TV and puts the tape in the VCR.]


FIRST LADY: This tape was found by ATF agents in another political party's head office one hour before Orlando was wiped out.


[PRIEST appears onscreen disguised as Fidel Castro and smoking a cigar in what I thought was a *very * funny sight gag.]


PRIEST [Onscreen]: This is General Juan Piñata.


MALE JOURNALIST: That's a Cuban general!


PRIEST [Onscreen]: It is the destiny of Cuba.


FIRST LADY: It's outrageous!


PRIEST [Onscreen]: To rid the world of Yankee Capitalistas...who always blame Cuba for everything! So, in one hour we will use one of your Russian warheads from nineteen hundred and sixty one to blow up the city of Orlando, Florida, America. In one hour. We may blow up other cities after this one, or we may not. You never know. You are all stupid Yankee pig dogs! I spit on you! [Spits.] Death to America! [Stands up so you can briefly see the Washington Monument in the background.] Death to stupid Yankee pig dogs in Orlando! [Spits again. You can now plainly see the Washington Monument in the background.]


PRIEST: It was Cuba after all. Tsk, Tsk.


FEMALE JOURNALIST: Wasn't that the Washington Monument in the background?


PRINCE: I think that was the Che Guevara Monument in Havana.


MALE JOURNALIST: How will you respond to this, Mr. President?


[FIRST LADY stomps on PRIEST'S toes.]


PRIEST [to PRINCE]: Just throw me the damn football.


[PRINCE retrieves a football from the bookshelf and opens it to reveal a keypad on one side and a hand scanner whoodgiewhatsit on the other.]


PRIEST: We'll show them who's boss.


PRINCE: To authorize the launch codes, simply place your hand there, Mr. President.


[PRIEST places his hand on the hand thingy.]


PRIEST: I hereby authorize the launch codes for Operation: Cigarillo. [Keys in a number sequence.] Adios, Cuba. [Presses the button. And with that, Cuba is nuked back to the Stone Age.]


MALE JOURNALIST: American will respect you, Mr. President. You've done the right thing. No foreign grease ball's gonna push us around. it's strong leadership at the right time from a real war hero.


[JOURNALIST salutes and PRIEST salutes back.]


FEMALE JOURNALIST: I swear that was the Washington Monument.


PRINCE: have you seen my butterfly room? You'll love it. [Leads her out of the room.] I'm very good...with butterflies.


[JOURNALISTS applaud. PRINCE smiles, smugly as usual.]


[Commercial break.]


[EXT. ATF HQ - Day.]


NEWS ANCHOR [V.O.]: Here are some of the stories we're following...


[INT. PRINCE'S office.]


ANCHOR [Onscreen]: ...for tonight's edition of news Plus. The Dow Jones is up 456 points. Firefighters have been called in to retrieve a cat stuck in a power line along I-95. Film at 11. An Cuba was nuked off the face of the Earth late this afternoon by President Priest in retaliation for yesterdays' evil attack on Orlando. There's been no reaction yet from Havana. All this and your late local forecast coming up on News Plus.


[Phone rings. PRINCE answers.]




VOICE ON PHONE: Sir, this is NASA. We thought we should inform you that our readings indicate that the LEXX at this moment has started moving away from the Earth.]


[PRINCE hangs up with a somewhat panicked look on his face.]


[EXT. Space. The LEXX is moving away from Earth.]


[INT. Bridge. PRINCE appears on the view screen.]




STAN: Prince!


PRINCE: Hello, Stanley, it's nice to see you. And Kai, and Xev, you as well, of course. So we're leaving Earth, are we?


STAN: *We * are.


PRINCE: That's a shame.


STAN: Yes and no.


PRINCE: How so?


STAN: All I can say is that I'm happy to be flying away from you.


PRINCE: But Stanley, this planet is just so much fun!


STAN: Well, some of us don't find it fun to be pinned to a wall and almost killed.


PRINCE: But that was just a misunderstanding. Do you mind telling me exactly where you're going?


XEV: The plan is we're going to drift in space until we find a nice planet.


PRINCE: That's a good plan. You must have worked on that for a long time.


STAN: Well, we wouldn't have to drift if the LEXX came down and ate Washington DC with you in it.


PRINCE: Why don't you.


STAN: Well, we just might.


PRINCE: I think you should stay, Stanley. How would you like to be Vice President?


STAN: Yeah, right. What's that?


PRINCE: A very important position with all the perks and privileges you could ever want.


STAN: No deal.


PRINCE: Xev? You could be Queen of England.


STAN: She's not interested.


[XEV, who perked up at the suggestion, gives STAN a dirty look, not very happy that he's answering for her.]


PRINCE: The Queen of England owns her own beautiful island full of gardens and antiques. The position is currently filled but all it would take to free it up would be a couple of phone calls.


STAN: She's not interested in gardens or antiques!


PRINCE: Then what do you care about, Stanley?


XEV: Why do you want us to stay, Prince?


PRINCE: Because I do.


STAN: The fact is, Prince, as long as you're on that planet, we don't want anything to do with it.


PRINCE: Well, that stings.


XEV: I have an idea. Kai, would you kill Prince if we both asked you to?


KAI: Yes.


STAN: Yeah, Kai, you could go down to Earth and do you assassin thing on somebody who really deserves it.


XEV: Yes, Kai, go down to Earth and kill Prince.


PRINCE: there's one small, tiny little flaw in you thinking.


XEV: Which is?


PRINCE: You forget. I'm the head of the most powerful institution on this planet, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms of the United States of America, and as such, I have an immense capacity to protect myself. I can hide away so that you would never, ever find me.


XEV [To KAI]: Is that a problem?


[OK, gentlebeings. Get a bucket of chopped ice ready and put 911 on speed dial. Here comes The Speech.]


KAI: No. As a Divine Assassin I performed many difficult assassinations. For instance, Ring Torben, a rebel leader on Phoebe 27. Ring Torben buried himself deep inside the molten core of the planet. he was protected by fifty thousand men with robot-controlled ion weapons.


STAN: And...?


KAI: I had to kill two thousand eight hundred and seven of his men before I killed him.


STAN: Ha, ha!


KAI: I can eliminated Prince with complete certainty in a very short time.


[Well, now, *that * was a mouthful. I had to rewind the tape several times just to get all that. And since my closed captioning only works when the TV is on Mute, I had to rewind it and watch it a few more times with the sound on just to make sure I got everything. It was Hell, I tell you. I hope you people appreciate what I go through for you.]


PRINCE: And if you kill me, what then? You know I can be reborn whenever and however I want.


KAI: That was true on the planet Fire, but is it true on Earth?


PRINCE: Yes...I think so.


XEV: It can't be true on Earth.


[PRINCE gives her a snotty little smile.]


XEV: Look, he's scared! You're scared, aren't you Prince?


STAN: Yeah, Xev is right.


PRINCE: You know, when you destroyed the planet Fire all of its evil, including me, came here so it makes no difference. This planet will be just as bad whether I live or die. I'm just a drop in an ocean of badness. Or perhaps more of a bucketful.


STAN: Oh, no, no, no. You're wrong! You're just trying to talk us out of killing you.


PRINCE: On the contrary, I'm right.


XEV: Kai, do you think he's right?


KAI: Yes. [Turns and walks away.]


PRINCE: So...good luck on your journey. You'll need it. Cheery-bye.


[View screen goes blank.]


XEV: Bye-bye, little blue planet.


[INT. Oval Office - Night. PRINCE stomps into the office, leans over the desk and glares at PRIEST, who was fooling around with a little wooden box on his desk.]


PRIEST: You don't look happy, My Prince.


PRINCE: I'm not. Why did you blow up Orlando?


PRIEST: What do you mean?


PRINCE: I know that you got Stanley Tweedle to blow up Orlando. My only question is precisely why? [Moves around the desk o get in PRIEST'S face and sits on the edge of the desk.]


PRIEST: Uh...just to cause trouble, My Prince, you know? Screw things up, create chaos, just like you always want.


PRINCE: Really?


PRIEST: Uh-huh.


PRINCE [Leaning in and whispering]: I think you wanted to get rid of me.




PRINCE: And you thought I was in Miami, didn't you?


PRIEST: Well yes, but--


PRINCE: And you got Stanley Tweedle to fire one of the LEXX'S shots at me only it missed and took out Orlando. Am I getting warm?


PRIEST: I don't know what to say.


PRINCE: You say, "you're right, My Prince."


PRIEST: You're right, My Prince, but...but...it was the First Lady's idea. All hers! [Starts to cry.] Only hers! [Gets on his knees.] Please forgive me, My Prince.


PRINCE: I'm not very good at forgiveness. Especially as your little prank [grabs PRIEST by the ear and yanks him up] has stranded me on this planet. Because of you, I'm stuck here. Do you understand? [Puts his arm around PRIEST] You have to be punished.


PRIEST: Yes, of course, My Prince. I deserve it. What is my punishment?


PRINCE: Have you ever been to Dallas?


PRIEST: What's Dallas? 


[EXT. An unusually vacant street in Dallas - Day. PRIEST, PRINCE, FIRST LADY and A DRIVER are tooling around in an old convertible. FIRST LADY is dressed up like Jackie Kennedy and she and PRIEST are munching on potato chips. I'll take my sacred cow fillet medium rare, please and thank you.]


PRINCE [on cell phone]: I'm aware that this is not the usual protocol, but I'm issuing a specific order for the Secret Service, and the CIA, and the FBI and the Dallas Police to stand down. Thank you. [Hangs up.] So, Mr. President, welcome to Dallas.


FIRST LADY: What a dump!


PRINCE: True, but Dallas plays an important part in American history.


PRIEST: Is that right?


PRINCE: Have you ever heard of JFK?


PRIEST: No...maybe!


PRINCE: Twenty-second of November, 1963.


PRIEST: Should I have?


PRINCE: Once upon a time there was this president called JFK. And this president had a very bad habit of not following orders.


PRIEST: Ugh, that's not good.


PRINCE: No. Consequently he had to be punished. [Car stops.] Just about here, as a matter of fact.


[PRINCE dons a bulletproof vest.]








PRIEST: What??


FIRST LADY: Quick, change seats.




FIRST LADY: Don't argue with me, just do it!


[The two scramble furiously in the back seat until they are in the positions JFK and Jackie were in on That Day.]


PRINCE: And I've brought you here because I thought this would be the perfect spot to ask you a question.


PRIEST: What question?


PRINCE: Do you think you can follow orders?


PRIEST: Yes, yes of course, My Prince. I will do anything you say.


PRINCE: I wish I could believe you.


FIRST LADY: Reggie just agreed with you. What more do you want? Let's go!


PRINCE: I really want to trust you, Mr. President. I really do.


FIRST LADY: You can trust him, you can trust him!


PRINCE: I'm speaking to the President. The lesson to be learned here is that even kings can be killed. It's been that way for thousands of years. Regicide happens all the time. [Makes a little gut out of his fingers.] Especially to the stupid ones who don't know how to follow orders. Pow!


[ATF agents jump up from everywhere and start shooting at the car. PRINCE puts on a helmet and ducks down. PRIEST and FIRST LADY start freaking out and scrambling to avoid getting shot as potato chips and seat upholstery start flying. PRIEST pulls FIRST LADY down on top of him and uses her as a human shield. FIRST LADY is fatally shot.]


FIRST LADY [Dying]: War hero...my ass...[Dies.]


PRIEST: I think she's dead.


PRINCE: So sad.


PRIEST: I'll get over it. [Pushes FIRST LADY aside.]


PRINCE: A lesson well learned, wouldn't you say? [They both laugh.] We'll have to get you a new First Lady. Time to trade up.


PRIEST: yes, excellent idea, My Prince. I'll trade up.


PRINCE: And you'll always remember who's in charge.


PRIEST: Yes, yes, of course, My Prince. [Starts kissing PRINCE'S hand. PRINCE looks disgusted.] You are My Prince.


PRIEST: Yes, yes. Thank you.


[INT. Veterinarian's office. Doc pulls a bottle of Jack Daniels out of his desk drawer and pours himself a glass full. There's a knock on the door. Doc quickly puts the bottle back in his desk drawer.]


DOCTOR: Come in.


[In comes the OLD LADY and BUTTONS from the beginning of the episode.]


OLD LADY: There's something wrong with my pussy, Doctor.


DOCTOR: What seems to be the problem?


OLD LADY: Well, I don't know. He's gone off his food, he doesn't purr anymore, he walks all stiffly. And sometimes he just flies around and around the room.


DOCTOR: I beg your pardon?


OLD LADY: He's just not my precious pussy Buttons anymore.


DOCTOR: Well, let's just take a look, shall we?


[A mechanical whirring sound starts coming out of the cat. THE VET sucks down the rest of his Jack.]


DOCTOR: So...how's Buttons today, eh?


OLD LADY: You've gotta do something, Doctor!


DOCTOR: Oh yes, there seems to be something a little off here. [Feels the cat's tummy.]


OLD LADY: What? What?!


DOCTOR: There seems to be something inside Buttons.


OLD LADY: Oh no!


[We hear a screech and a crunching sound as a butt carrot blasts its way out of BUTTON'S body. Fur and cat innards are flying everywhere. Hey, guys, torture humans in any way you want, but. Leave. The Kitties. Alone!]