Ok, ENOUGH of the colors! This is the page I bitch about EVERYTHING that comes to mind...enjoy.

I hate it when I get blanks....

June 22, 11:13 AM ~~~ Its early and I'm bored. So I decided to download some songs. It comes to my attention that some of my favorite songs are EDITED!! WHO IN THE HELL EDITS NINE INCH NAILS!!! Or any other artist out there. Whats the point? Who (knowingly) BUYS edited versions?! and why? I like the songs because it says fuck, shit, asshole, bitch, and so forth. Just words with strong feeling. :D If you like-love-an artist why would you want to keep hearing "beep" in the track? I'm sure this thing started to keep kids from hearing things they shouldn't...three words: You fucking Idiots! Even though fuck is replaced by "beep", we still know that fuck is supposed to go right there. "Editors" you have done nothing but ruined a good song, editing will not keep kids from hearing such words. Besides, you can't edit peoples mouths on the street or in the home. So, all that is accomplished is alot of pissed off fans when they accidently buy an edited version and cant return the cd. ~_~

Why can't everything come with a remote control?

Ah, yes. I am the depressed, angry, hostile little computer junkie girl at the moment. And why, you ask? Cause PEOPLE CAN BE SUCH DICKS!!! Of course at the moment my venting goes towards my Boyfriend. Yes I love him very much so, but sometimes the only thing I want to do is wrap my fingers around his throat and squeeze.... Now, Im sure if you are a girl than you will know what I mean by "That guy-friend". Oh yes, every b/f has a friend that every female would just love to see splattered all over the living room floor. Here's a tip for all you males: If your female is not one to just love being out with your male friends all the time, the least you could do if she's along is not to act so much like an idiot.

Sep 26, 5:27 PM~~ *Grins evily* YAY. Saturday is the BASH show, can't wait-even though the bands SUCK! But, whatcha gonna do? I've never actually gotten out and lived a concert, since the only real concert I have been to is Tool(no complaints here). But now, I face pits. Of course I live in Utah, not much to worry about.

Oct 11, 6:08 I'm bored. I'm really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bored. I have NOTHING to do. Why? B/F is out of town, friends are off... doing something, and I have nothing to do. Soo I guess that means I work on the Site.
I have started to write Dragonball Z V/B LEMON yay!!!. You'll have to find it somewhere in this site, cause well. You just have to.

I HAVE DISCOVERED THE SECRET TO WHY NERDS DON'T HAVE GIRLFRIENDS. Nerds are called nerds cause their whole lives revolve around objects like Star Wars. So lets see, sure they see girls they think "boobies" but, when it comes down to it, if they were to have a girlfriend guess what they would be doing. "Which to you like better? Jedi or Empire?" Oh, the fun you could have with a nerd. This is why they don't have girlfriends, they spend too much time with other things. Girls LIKE TO BE PAID ATTENTION TO. We like to feel that we are #1. :D

Dec-10, Life sucks.

Dec-11, I wish their was a tattoo, That could express the way that I hate you.
If only words could describe what has been done.
I think my heart has thined to the backgrounds. Black, decaying.
I wish their was a way to kill you.
Your words, so short in time, killed what warmth their might have been.
If you were to die, I don't think I could cry.
Why did you have to go that low.
What was it I was doing so wrong?
Fuck you, FUCK YOU!
Tomorrow I'm sure I wont be the same.
not for the better.
Remember. It was because of you.

Dont ask where that came from.

Dec 15, One minute you are dead sure, the next your not. Today is one of those days. The world looks like its not moving. Feels like today life is a movie on pause, and I just want to fast forward to the end, see whats gonna happen. Too bad, I don't know where the remote is. God must be out playing golf.

X-mas day, NOT my favorite of the holidays, most people can not understand that. And thats ok. I'm just the grinch, and I'm afraid singing doesn't help my heart grow. But, eh, I'm not running around stealing presents and food. I can let everyone have their fun, as long as I get to sleep in. :D

1-2-03, When ask if their is meaning in people's life my new response is "People should be moral and loving, but life itself is a chemical accident lacking inherent meaning." -hehehe I just think its funny.

Uhm.... I don't know the date and I'm too lazy to move my mouse over to the little clock at the right cornor of the screen to see. Any how. I was reading something about Tantra, first couple of sentences it says: "It matters not if you are a nun, monk or prostitute. Whether you deny it or not, sex runs much of your existence." I giggled.
"Like the spring flower freeing itself from the frozen snow, Tantra is again budding, offering the Aquarian Age an alternative--a way to reverse the negative energy on the planet, and a way to release yourself and reach transcendence." I wonder what this means for all Aquarians? Hmmmm.....
"Put simply, Tantra is the total surrender, or letting go of all mental, emotional and cultural conditioning, so that universal life energy can again flow though us like a river without any effort." Hmm that last part can be taken alot of ways. But the first part, well, about 98% of humanity is now material. Good luck letting go of anything.
"The word "Tantra" has many definitions..."Blah blahh blahh. Basically it's now going on about the confusion of where Tantra is derived from...hmm How about I help you with that one. GREAT SEX.
"While not a religious philosophy, Tantra embraces a deep spiritual understanding of life, and an ancient art of living in harmony with existence" I actually agree with this point. Too bad people are so cought up with religion you about have to cut off their dicks and tongue to get them to understand this.
For every uhm blonde, christian and hell, everyone go HERE
"However, unlike Taoism (which actually stemmed from ancient Tantra) that says bring your energy inside for longevity, Tantra says let it go..let it all go! There is no reason to hang onto anything if eternity exists." hehehe, I like this one. However, some of you should NOT let it all go. You do already.

MUNCHIE BREAK.....................................................................................................................................................................

pointless thoughts Theirs nothing left to me. Everyday the colors fade from my eyes, i cant remember what it is to feel. Nothing seems right. The sky is clear, my mind is just the opposite. I want to watch the smiles die. My heart is bleeding and theirs no cure. Why can't you just let me be? I don't want to be the god, I seek to have my freedom. But I want it with the second half. I wish my words were real. Even the truth that comes from my mouth seems nothing more than a lie. I can't always be here, waiting. I wont wait for the child to grow. Too many years have already been, no clue to how many left. But I want something that can finally be mine. I think the music just died. A walking corpse is back from the grave. Or am I the one who died. Either way I'm liking it. I always catch myself gathering the false into a bag. The bag is thrown agains the truths. I can't decide if its you i hate or myself. The strings once wraped so tightly together, unravel towards the end. Nothing lasts, as it is said. Everything comes to an end. I wonder if it were to be better if it had never began.

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