+ cybergeisha +

+may the geisha be with you always+
This is my new home page and your resourses page, you can visit my old homepage here it's called
~*~Midnight Phobia ~*~

and was started a few years ago the pet project has now moved on and become an obsession (for me anyway).

Right a few more changes to the site, although a lot more is sitting on disk at the moment, see I have been working :) I've got some more ideas for the art pages and I'm taking submissions for the Inspiration page so if your a budding artist then get intouch with me somehow.

11.45 28/11/01 finally got the clock to work, there was a total of about 5 words that were missing from the coding which realy sucks in my book but it should be up and working, also I've got rid of the banners, well I've changed them to pop up boxes instead, which should be a help to the outlook of the page, but then in the long run a little more annoying, if you have comments then let me know and I'll change things according to the outcome

16:30 16/11/01 Right updating has been a little slow, but good news to you all out there, my proposal for a more permanent position at Isis has been accepted, it looks like I'm going to be staying for 2 years completing an NVQ level III which rocks... also I'm going to be a nightwatchman (or nightwatchwoman for all you femez's out there :)

Fri Nov 09 22:14:37 2001: yeah I know I'm updating like mad but much help is also needed on my baby, the CORSETTA page so pop along and support the tight community...

Fri Nov 09 22:12:12 2001: just decided that I will be adding a downloads page as I've just started writing it, but not sure what kind of downloads people want out there? email me if you have any suggestions/wants or likes

Fri Nov 09 22:09:20 2001: re writing the updates page as the frist was too boring.. (any improvment?) Right the site is coming along nicely I'm getting a lot of good and bad critisim from you all, special thanx goes out to James (Tricky) for lots of creative critism (and I am working on it :)