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It was uniformly accepted that the Decepticons are evil, but they did gain some human allies in the form of the international terrorist organization known as Cobra.

After an exceptionally brutal battle, Megatron was extensively damaged. He traded Cobra a truckload of Cybertronian technology for a new body. He could transform into a tank with his fusion cannon as the main barrel which became a shoulder cannon.

Megatron became so fed up with the humans interferance, that he ordered his troops to decimate the Earth. Worldwide, the Decepticons committed endless acts of atrocity with scattered Autobot interferance.

It finally ended at the battle of Los Angeles.

The Dinobots went up against Predaking. Predaking was utterly destroyed. Only his broken sword remains. Swoop and Slag came through all right but Grimlock and Sludge were badly damaged. Unfortunatly Snarl went permanently offline.

The Aerialbots were engaging Ramjet, Thundercracker, and Skywarp, when all of a sudden Megatron blasted Silverbolt pemanently out of the sky. Attempting to seek revenge, Slingshot attempted to attack Megatron but was struck down by a kamikaze attack by Ramjet. Superion would never be merged again.

Motormaster was attempting to be the king of the road, when Brawn and Ironhide had enough. Brawn tracked him down, and Ironhide attacked. Ironhide and Motormaster were badly damaged, and Brawn was crushed when he was rolled over.

Megatron was tracked down by Optimus Prime. Optimus had seen enough destruction. He challenged Megatron to a viscious duel. Using Cybertronian law, the dual was un-interferable. They fought for over four hours. Optimus was acknowlegded as the victor as he functioned for three more hours, afterward.

The Autobots gathered their injured and returned to the Ark. All was not going well, their leader was gone. Many fine warriors were dead or dying. The future looked bleak.

At that point, the Decepticons disengaged. They retreated to their undersea base, in the Pacific Ocean, and hid out for a while. They sparsely left, and if they did, it was on a vital energon raid.

Then it got worse, four unknown Decepticons appeared out of a subspace portal.

The leader of the strange Decepticons was named Galvatron. He brought Cyclonus, Scourge, and the gigantic Trypticon with him.

Galvatron, Cyclonus, and Scourge approached the Decepticon underwater citadel, like they owned the place. Strangely enough, they knew all of the security codes. The current Decepticon leader, Starscream ordered the Stunticons to stop them. This was a very bad idea, Galvatron started to pulverize Breakdown, until he realized that Motormaster was not present. It was unusual for Quintro-combiners to fight separately. He stopped his assualt and asked Dead End where Motormaster was. Dead End told him that Motormaster was extensively damaged in California. His spark/cpu link was destroyed. He was just a lifeless hulking shell.

Galvatron wanted to see the body. He was surprised to see a human by the wreck. He was a Cobra Viper named Zorin. Zorin was integral to the Decepticon success in the global battle. He sabotaged the NATO defense network. He was also Motormasters friend. They often cruised the highways.

Galvatron came up with the perfect solution. He asked Zorin if he wanted to become a Headmaster. Galvatron told him that he would be the controlling force over Motormasters body. Zorin agreed. Shockwave, Soundwave, and Hook rebuilt Motormasters body with the new modifications. Breakdown was also rebuilt after Galvatrons pummeling. Zorin became the new Stunticon leader. The other Stunticons knew and liked Zorin, so it was fine by them.

Shockwave had a problem with the binary bonding of the pathetic flesh creature to a Decepticon warriors body. Galvatron soon explained everything.

Truth and consequences...______What happened to the Autobots ?