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Christian Arguments on Discussion Groups!

Whenever I decide to visit Discussion Groups on either the Web TV/MSN TV ones or the ones on the usenet like alt.atheism that is regarding to the topic of atheism, satanism, or anything that is non-christian, some christians now and then come into these DG's and try to argue for their beliefs and against atheism or evolution or whatever opposes their religion. Here on this webpage, I am going to show you the type of poor arguments that christians use to try to make atheist or other non-christians look bad.

  1. Repetition!
    The Goal of most christians who come into atheist DG's, I believe, isn't to try to convert atheists, or actually "discuss" issues. What they want to do is try to make atheist look bad so they can feed their own egos. The most common tactic they use is what I call "Repetition". What this means is that they repeat the same lie over and over again.

    Here is a example:
    Christian:They found Noah's Ark on Mount Araral. The story of the flood has been proven.

    Atheist:Sorry! You're wrong. Those Noah's Ark expeditions have been proven to be hoaxes. Here are some websites that give the documented details.

    Christian:HA! Your websites proves nothing but the lenghts to which atheist will go to deny the truth! Noah's Ark has been found.

    Atheist: I forgot to mention that some of these websites are christian websites and they even believe that Noah's Ark expedition are hoaxes.

    Christian: Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is really a christian. True Christians accept that Noah's Ark has been found

  2. Unnamed Sources:
    This is where the christian makes an outrageous claim, then they say that "most scholars" or "most scientist" agree with them. When pressed, they will continually refute to reveal their sources, or if they do it turns out to be the opinion of one lunatic creation "scientist" or fundamentalist scholar (also called the "Argument from Authority ploy).

    Christian:You atheist are behind the times. Most scientist now believe that God created the universe.

    Atheist:Name one secular scientist who accepts it.

    Christian:Read a Textbook!

  3. The "Insult = Irrational" Ploy:
    When some christians barge into a atheist DG's, they often display the most arrogant and insulting attitudes, but they believe it's okay, because they have the bible to back them up, and the bible is a very arrogant and insulting document. However, when atheist called them names, they acted SHOCKED because they don't expect us to act like this when they do. As a matter of fact, some of them have been trained to take all insults from atheists as a sign that they are winning the argument.
    Atheist:Noah's Ark hasn't been found. Stop repeating yourself moron.

    Christian: Moron? HA! Your name-calling only goes to show that you aren't capable of arguing rationally!

    Atheist: Yesterday you called me a fool!

    Christian: No I didn't! God called you a fool in the bible!

  4. Shotgun Argument: This means that the christian will come into an atheist group and post a long list of claims that he/she thinks are good arguments. When you respond to some of them and not respond to the rest, he/she will jump to the fact that this is the sign that you lost the debate.
    Example: Christian:How do you atheist explain the fact that Noah's Ark has been found? Or that there aren't any "missing links"? Or that NASA scientist have discovered the "missing day" of Joshua? Or that...etc.

    Atheist: Noah's ark hasn't been found. That's a hoax. Also, there are plenty of "missing links", such as the archeoptyrx, the australopithecus, etc.

    Christian: A HA! But you have no explanation for the "missing day" do you??

  5. The "You Don't Argue, You Lose" tactic.:
    This is just what the title says. Some atheist get really tired of some christians ranting and raving that they decide to no longer respond to them (I don't blame them either). Or if they have access to a DG, they decide to ban them from the DG. Rather than to recognize that it was his/her obnoxious personality that drove them to this, the christian will take this as a sign of ultimate victory.

    Atheist:I've got more important things to do with my time than to go around in circles with you. Goodbye Fundie.

    Christian: Just as I suspect. Typical atheist who is unwilling to face up to the truth.

  6. Ad Hominem (Latin for "to the man")
    In this subject, most christians that come onto atheist or other non-christian Dg's don't actually try to al least attack the argument and the argument only. They usually attack the person they are arguing with (regardless whether or not they are the one's that start the argment.)

    Atheist: Okay! You say that Noah's Ark exist, then prove it.

    Christian: You are an idiot and are blind to the truth. Look in the bible stupid.

    This is the argument that most christians use, whose points depend on each other for their validity.

    Christian: Everything in the bible is have no errors because it says so in Genesis 4:19.
    Genesis 4:19 is correct because everything in the bible is errorless.

  8. Pascal's Wager!
    This is where some christian makes a claim that whatever they believe in exist. However, they want the atheist or other non-christians to prove them wrong, when in fact the burden of proof actually lies on them.

    Christian: I don't know what is wrong with you people, but there is a God.

    Atheist: Okay, so prove that there is a god then!

    Christian: Where is your proof that there isn't a god?

    BTW, this argument was created by a 17th century mathmatician named Blaise Pascal. Check out the info on him and the argument here at Pascal's Wager:

  9. Straw Man
    This is where someone makes up some sort of statement where it would make it easier to attack someone.

    Christian: I suppose that scientist believe that life on this planet just put itself together on it's own without any explanation.

  10. NON SEQUITUR (Latin for "It doesn't follow". )
    This is where a christian brings up some alternative possibilities that have little or nothing do with the discussion of the main topic.

    Christian: God created this world. No one else

    Athiest: I don't agree. Prove to us that your god exist and that it created the world.

    Christian: So in other words, you support murder, abortions, and you do not care about life on this planet right? (Note: What does murder, abortion, and caring about life on the planet have to do with his claim that god created the world?).

    That is all I can think of for the poor arguments when debating with christians on a Discussion group on the usenet or on the WEB TV/MSN TV Discussion Groups. If anyone have any other arguments that you think I should add, let me know.

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